[Adopted 9-9-1981 STM, Art. 22]
The Select Board shall be empowered to establish a schedule of fees for all permits for new building construction and related work and for all related special fees authorized by the Massachusetts General Laws and to make amendments thereto.
[Added 4-24-1990 STM, Arts. 1 and 2; amended 5-5-2009 ATM, Art. 40; 5-2-2017 ATM, Art. 9; 5-8-2018 ATM, Art. 30]
Notwithstanding any bylaw to the contrary, no public facility user fee license or permit fee or charge which is authorized by bylaw or which may be authorized by bylaw to be set by the Select Board Members, excluding all golf fees with the exception of golf membership fees shall be valid or collected for a fee of $100 or more if an increase in such fee in any calendar year exceeds an amount greater than 5% of the amount effective the previous calendar year, and for a fee of less than $100 if an increase in such fee in any calendar year exceeds an amount greater than 15% of the amount effective the previous calendar year, unless, in either event, such amount is set by vote of a Dennis Town Meeting. Any portion of the applicable maximum fee increase for any year set forth above which is not exercised shall not be waived and may be applied to an increase in such fee in a future year. For any such fee that is in effect April 1, 1990, an increase which is greater than the applicable percentage set forth above shall be established by vote of a Dennis Town Meeting. Any such fee or charge not in effect on April 1, 1990, shall not be set or collected unless such fee is established by vote of a Dennis Town Meeting, This bylaw shall not prohibit rounding up a fee increase to the next highest dollar amount. No such fee or charge in effect on April 1, 1990, shall be reduced by adoption of this bylaw. The limitations of this section shall not apply to fees charged at the transfer station for the disposal of various items, the price of which fluctuate based on spot market conditions. The Select Board is hereby authorized to adjust transfer station fees as market conditions dictate.
[Added 5-8-1990 STM, Art. 1; 5-8-2018 ATM, Art. 30]
No later than 14 days before any meeting of the Select Board Members at which fees are to be established for any activity of the Town, the Select Board Members shall publish a detailed financial report of the activity for the previous fiscal year showing revenue of every type, expenditure of every type, debt service, and the resulting surplus or deficit. The report shall also show a detailed estimate of the financing for the ensuing year on the basis of which the Select Board Members propose to establish fees for the activity.