After a notice of violation has been recorded against the property pursuant to the Town Code, the Town Manager shall withhold the issuance of any municipal permits as allowed by law upon that property, save for those permits necessary to correct the violation(s). A party whose permits are to be withheld shall be notified as part of the administrative process outlined in this chapter.
The Town Manager and/or Town Attorney are authorized to issue personally, or to serve in accordance with the New Windsor Code, a written cease and desist order upon any person violating a provision of the Town Code through which work is being performed without a permit, if required, or in violation of an issued permit.
It is unlawful for any owner or other person to whom a cease and desist order has been served to continue to perform work or to allow or permit another to continue to perform work in violation of the terms of that order.
Prosecution under Subsection B of this section does not bar prosecution or administrative enforcement, or both, of the previous underlying violations for any or all days the violation had been in existence, or for the continuance of the underlying violation.
The Town Manager and/or Town Attorney may initiate other administrative enforcement and compliance methods in accordance with this chapter.
A municipal citation can be issued to an owner for violation of a regulatory provision of the Town Code or, of the Carroll County Code, and the party be required to pay an administrative fine.
Issuance of a municipal citation shall not bar the initiation of a criminal action for the same violation, if available.
The amount of a municipal citation that may be imposed for each separate violation of any Code section is specified by specific chapters of the Town Code. Where a specific statutory limit is not imposed, the administrative fine imposed by a municipal citation shall not exceed $500 per violation.
Issuance of a municipal citation and payment of the fine does not excuse compliance and corrective action regarding the violations. Although continuing violations of the Municipal Code are separate offenses, the owner shall be allowed a reasonable time of not more than 30 days in which to correct the violation before a second or subsequent administrative citation may be issued.
The municipal citation shall contain the information as required by Maryland State Law.
Municipal citations may be appealed as provided in the Maryland Rules of Procedure.