To provide, for the purpose of preventing fire, the spread of fire,
fire waste, danger to life in case of fire and loss of life or damage
to the property from unsafe or improper construction or design of
buildings, regulations and specifications for construction, equipment,
arrangement, maintenance, alteration and inspection, heating, cooling
and lighting, stairways, doorways, elevators, fire towers, fire escapes,
exits, aisles, passageways, floor levels, seats, fire alarms and all
other means of providing safe escape in case of fire for all buildings
which may hereafter be constructed for use as stores, manufacturing
establishments, churches, theaters, dance halls, lodging houses, tenements,
dwellings, stables, storage houses, office buildings, hospitals, asylums,
hotels, colleges, schools, dry-cleaning establishments, garages and
all other buildings where a large number of people have homes, congregate
or are employed.