All work performed by grantee, those working under him, and his agents in the public ways shall be performed in accordance with applicable safety codes and technical requirements.
Prior to beginning any construction of facilities, grantee shall provide the Municipality with a construction schedule for work in the public ways, which schedule shall be updated as changed. Upon completion of initial construction and upon completion of construction of any modification to its facilities, grantee shall provide the Municipality with a map showing the location of its installed facilities in the public ways. Such maps shall be provided in both paper form as well as in an electronic format in PDF, arc-info, CAD or such other format or formats as are required for as-built drawings by the Municipality for placement on the Municipality's GIS system. Annually thereafter, grantee shall provide a map to the Municipality showing the location of grantee's facilities in the public ways on a scale of 150 feet per inch or whatever standard scale the Municipality adopts for general use.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the Municipality or other agency of government or Municipal authority from constructing sewers, grading, paving, repairing and/or altering any street and/or laying down, repairing and/or removing water mains and/or constructing and/or establishing any other public work or improvement. If any of the grantee's facilities or equipment interferes with the construction or repair of any street or public improvement, including construction, repair or removal of a sewer or water main, the grantee's facilities or equipment shall be removed or replaced in the manner the respective Municipality or other agency of government or Municipal authority shall direct. Any and all such removal or replacement shall be at the expense of the grantee. Should grantee fail to remove, adjust or relocate its facilities by the date established by the Municipality or other agency of government or Municipal authority, the Municipality or other agency of government or Municipal authority may cause and/or effect such removal, adjustment or relocation, and the expense thereof shall be paid by grantee, including all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the Municipality or other agency of government or Municipal authority due to grantee's delay.
In consideration of occupying or using the public ways under this chapter, grantee shall elect to pay to Municipality an annual rental equal to either 5% of gross revenue; or $1 for each linear foot of its infrastructure located in the public ways. Such election shall be made by grantee in writing at the time of registration as required by § 304-3 of this chapter. In the absence of grantee making such election, rental shall be computed on the basis of $1 for each linear foot of its infrastructure located in the public ways. Thereafter, grantee may change its election from year to year by sending written notice to the Municipality of such election no later than October 1 of each such year for an election to be effective beginning January 1 of the next year.
The rent shall be calculated on a calendar quarterly basis and shall be payable to the Municipality no later than 45 days after the expiration of the calendar quarter for which payment is due. Grantee shall file a complete and accurate verified statement at the end of each calendar year quarter, certified as true and correct by a representative of grantee authorized to make such certification, explaining how the payment was calculated. Said statement shall accompany each payment. Upon request by the Municipality, grantee shall provide such additional information as may be reasonably required.
In the event grantee shall have elected to compute rental on the basis of 5% of gross revenue, grantee shall keep accurate books of account, in an electronic format, which shall clearly support the calculation of rents and describe in sufficient detail the amounts attributable to each specific component of gross revenue. Such books of account shall be made available to the Municipality and its authorized representatives for examination at a location in Allegheny County at any time during regular business hours on 10 days' prior written notice for the purpose of verifying or identifying rents owed to the Municipality. Such requests by the Municipality shall not be made more than once in any calendar year. Where in the opinion of the Municipality they are reasonably necessary to verify or supplement grantee's records, the grantee shall exercise its best efforts to obtain financial records of affiliates for the Municipality. The Municipality shall have the right to examine and to recompute any amounts determined to be payable under this or any other section; provided, however, that such examination shall take place within 48 months following the close of each of grantee's fiscal years. Any additional amount due to the Municipality as a result of the examination shall be paid within 60 days following written notice to grantee by the Municipality, which notice shall include a copy of the examination report. In the event that said examination determines that funds are owed to the Municipality in an amount in excess of $2,500, the cost of said examination, at the election of the Municipality, shall be borne by the grantee.
In the event that any rent or other payment is not made or the requisite documentation and certification is not provided on or before the applicable dates heretofore specified, the Municipality shall so notify grantee in writing; and, if all sums due from grantee are not received by the Municipality within five days of the date of such written notification, interest shall be compounded daily and set at the one-year United States Treasury Bill rate existent on the date payment was due, plus three percentage points. Any amount recomputed to reflect correct payment due shall bear interest as described from the date such payment was originally due.