[Adopted 4-26-2004 by Ord. No. 04-178]
The Chairman and Secretary of Montgomery Township are hereby authorized to execute the Trust Agreement and any other agreements necessary for its participation in the Delaware Valley Health Insurance Trust. The Delaware Valley Health Insurance Trust Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. The trust agreement attached hereto is on file for inspection and review at the municipal offices of Montgomery Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. This Trust Agreement may be subsequently modified or amended but in no event shall such amendments or modifications materially adversely affect the right of the Montgomery Township to participate in the Delaware Valley Health Insurance Trust.
The participation of Montgomery Township in the Delaware Valley Health Insurance Trust is authorized for the purpose of obtaining high quality health benefits at the most reasonable cost to the Montgomery Township and its employees.
As set forth in the Trust Agreement and as otherwise stated herein, the following conditions apply to the participation of the Montgomery Township in the Delaware Valley Health Insurance Trust:
That each participating municipality must meet the admission and eligibility requirements set forth therein;
That each participating municipality agrees to pay all contributions when due as provided in the Trust Agreement and any bylaws thereafter adopted by the Trust;
That each participating municipality uses its best efforts to provide appropriations for the payment of any contributions required to achieve the purposes and objectives of the Trust;
That each participating municipality cooperate fully in achieving the purposes and objectives of the Trust;
That each participating municipality comply with all other conditions of the Agreement.
Montgomery Township agrees to participate in the Delaware Valley Health Insurance Trust for a minimum of two years and thereafter may withdraw for any reason whatsoever, provided that it has fulfilled all its financial obligations to the Trust upon withdrawal.
The effective date of the participation of Montgomery Township in the Delaware Valley Health Insurance Trust will be June 1, 2004.
Each participating municipality delegates to the Board of Trustees of the Delaware Valley Health Insurance Trust the powers enumerated in the Trust Agreement.
All contributions paid by Montgomery Township shall be made with funds appropriated by Montgomery Township for that purpose.
The organizational structure of the Trust shall consist of a Board of Trustees and Executive Committee selected by the Board of Trustees in accordance with the Trust Agreement.
The participating municipalities through annual appropriations shall provide the funds required for the operation of the Trust.
The Delaware Valley Health Insurance Trust is empowered to enter into contracts for policies of group insurance and employee benefits, including social security for any of its employees.
As a condition of participating in the Delaware Valley Health Insurance Trust, Montgomery Township agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions in the attached Trust Agreement.[1]
Editor's Note: Said Agreement is on file in the Township offices.
This article is being enacted pursuant to the provisions of Intergovernmental Cooperation Law, Act of July 12, 1972, No. 180, as amended, 53 Pa.C.S.A., § 2301 et seq.