The fiscal year shall begin on the first day
of January and end on the last day of December unless Council shall
otherwise ordain.
On or before the 60th day prior to the end of
the fiscal year, the Chief Administrator shall prepare and the Mayor
shall review and submit to Council a proposed budget and an accompanying
message for the ensuing fiscal year.
The budget message shall explain the budget
both in fiscal terms and in terms of programs. It shall outline the
proposed financial policies of the Municipality for the ensuing fiscal
year, describe the important features of the budget, indicate any
major changes from the current year in financial policies, expenditures,
and revenues, together with the reasons for such changes, summarize
the Municipality's debt position, and include such other material
as the Chief Administrator or Mayor deems desirable.
The proposed and adopted budget shall be public
record and shall be posted.
Council shall publish within 20 days of receipt
the general summary of the budget, a summary of the Council's proposed
amendments to the budget, and a notice stating:
A. The times and places where copies of the general summary
and budget and proposed amendments are available for inspection by
the public, and
B. The time and place, not less than seven days after
notice and at least 14 days before adoption, of a public hearing on
the budget.
Council may amend the budget by resolution during
the fiscal year for which the budget was adopted; provided, however,
that such amendment follows a public hearing and that such amendment
shall not result in expenditures exceeding the estimated income determined
as of the time of the amendment. Council at all times may transfer
part or all of any unencumbered appropriation balance among programs
within a department.
Adoption of the budget and amendments thereof
shall constitute appropriations for the expenditures set forth therein.
In fixing the rate of any municipal tax which
may be now or hereafter authorized by law, Council shall abide by
the limits established by the General Assembly for Townships of the
Second Class. All increases in property tax rates must be approved
by the electorate or by an affirmative vote of six Councilmembers.
All debt shall be issued either by approval
of the electorate or by an affirmative vote of six Councilmembers.
No payment of any funds of the Municipality
shall be made unless provided for in the budget and specifically approved
by Council; provided, however, that payroll and utility expenditures
may be made at the direction of the Chief Administrator where based
upon a prior ordinance or contract. All checks or drafts of the Municipality
shall be signed by the Director of Finance and shall be countersigned
by the Mayor. Disbursements of payroll checks or drafts containing
imprinted signatures of the proper municipal officials or bank officials
shall be permitted in connection with use of data processing equipment
when contracted for with banking institutions, and machine-imprinted
signatures of the proper municipal officials may be used for disbursement
of municipal checks or drafts, provided such imprinting machines are
designed for operation only by authorized personnel.
The proposed and adopted capital program shall
be public record.
Council shall create a Department of Finance
which shall administer the financial affairs of the Municipality.
The Director of the Department of Finance shall be the chief fiscal
officer of the Municipality and shall be appointed by the Mayor with
the advice and consent of Council.
The Director of the Department of Finance shall
have the following powers and duties:
A. Receive all monies due or receivable by the Municipality,
except those paid to the Tax Collector, and issue receipts therefor.
B. Deposit Municipality monies in the official depository
as soon as practicable after receipt.
C. Keep accurate and complete accounts of all receipts
and disbursements.
D. Annually state the Department's accounts and lay the
same, together with all related books and vouchers, before the Auditors
of the Municipality.
E. Disburse Municipality funds pursuant to authorizations
for payment made by Council and insure that no payment is made or
obligation incurred against any appropriation except in accordance
with the designated budget appropriations.
F. Sign along with the Mayor all checks, drafts and other instruments which disburse municipal funds subject to the provisions of §
C-113 of this Charter.
G. Pay over all monies remaining in the Treasury and
deliver all books, papers, accounts and other things belonging to
the Municipality to any successor.
H. Have such other duties as the Chief Administrator
shall assign from time to time.