[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Pottsville 5-21-1966 by Ord. No. 72-66 as Art. 125 of the 1966 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Director of Accounts and Finance shall have charge of the supervision of all accounts and records of the city and all officers, boards or departments required to keep accounts, records or make reports. He shall inspect or cause to be inspected all records or accounts required to be kept in any of the offices or departments of the city and shall cause proper accounts and records to be kept and proper reports to be made. He shall cause to be audited by the City Controller at frequent intervals the accounts of every officer or employee who receives or distributes money.
Unless otherwise provided by law or ordinance, the Director of Accounts and Finance shall have charge of and supervision over all printing by or for the city, shall cause to be prepared and published all statements and reports required to be published and shall examine or cause to be examined and report to the Council upon all bills, accounts, payrolls and claims before they are acted upon or allowed.
The Director of Accounts and Finance is further authorized and empowered to purchase all necessary books, statements, stationery and supplies, provide for the distribution of statements and to do such other things as may be necessary to carry the provisions of the Third Class City Code into effect.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 35101 et seq.
The City Clerk, City Controller, Assessor and Treasurer and their respective offices and departments and all employees therein and all bookkeepers and accountants are distributed and assigned to the Department of Accounts and Finance and shall be under the supervision and direction of the Director thereof.
Money in the hands of the City Treasurer shall be payable on warrant drawn on him and signed by the Director of Accounts and Finance and the City Controller.
Officials and employees of the city shall be paid weekly out of the proper appropriation made for their payment.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
All bills and claims against the city for services rendered, expenses incurred, work and materials performed and furnished and all other items of expenditures by different departments properly contracted and all expenditures made out of the several contingent appropriations of the various departments of the city government shall be properly certified by the director of the department in which indebtedness was incurred. Upon audit and approval by the City Controller, they shall be presented for examination to the Director of Accounts and Finance, who shall present them to the Council at its regular meeting with recommendation for payment, whereupon the Council may direct warrants be drawn to pay the same.
The weekly payrolls of employees are hereby authorized to be paid without presentation to the Council, but shall be reported at the succeeding meeting of the Council for ratification. Warrants for the payment of all payrolls may be drawn in sum total in favor of the City Treasurer, who shall require payees thereon named to sign the payroll as evidence of the receipt by them of the amount due them.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
The City Clerk shall prepare warrants in favor of the persons entitled to receive the same for the amounts of the bills or claims which have been ordered paid by the Council as aforesaid and shall present the warrants with evidence of their being due and payable to the Director of Accounts and Finance for his approval. The Director shall, if the amount expressed in the warrant is due to the person in whose favor it is drawn and if the supplies or services for payment of which the warrant is drawn have been furnished or performed according to law and the terms of the contract and if there is sufficient money in the City Treasury to pay the same, sign the warrant which shall then be payable by the City Treasurer.