Where the Authority constructs and installs a lateral from the sanitary sewer to the right-of-way line, there is hereby imposed and fixed upon the owner of each property making connection to the sewer system a connection fee.
In accordance with the Authorities Act, such connection fee shall not exceed an amount based upon the actual cost of the connection of the property extending from the Authority's main to the property line or curb stop of the property connected.
[Amended 3-28-2024 by Res. No. 24-03-001]
Where the owner (or his predecessor) of the property connecting to the sewer system shall have constructed, at his own expense, a lateral from an existing sanitary sewer to the right-of-way line, there will be an inspection fee equal to the Authority's actual labor cost at the then-current rates (plus overhead percentage for employee's benefits) to make inspections of such connection to determine that such connection is made in accordance with LASA's then-current Rules and Regulations. Refer to Appendix BA for the current inspection fee schedule.
The Authority shall publish on its website, on at least an annual basis, a schedule of its current rates for labor and equipment. The schedule of rates will be available for inspection by the public during LASA's regular business hours.
[Amended 10-22-2015 by Res. No. 15-10-003]
[Amended 3-28-2024 by Res. No. 24-03-001]
At the time a property owner makes an application for a permit to connect to the sewer system pursuant to the Authority's then-current Rules and Regulations, the Authority shall obtain estimates of the cost of the connection of the property extending from the Authority's main to the property line or curb stop. The obtained cost shall be payable with respect to such connection at the same time the tapping fee for such connection is payable.
If, upon completion of the connection, the actual cost of connection is less than the connection fee paid, the Authority shall issue a refund to the property owner. If the actual cost of connection is more than the amount paid, the additional fee shall be paid by the property owner prior to final inspection of the property connection.