[Adopted 12-20-1989 by Ord. No. 89-05]
This article shall be known as the "Solid Waste
As used in this article, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
All manure and other nonhazardous waste matter normally accumulated
in or about a stable, or any animal, livestock or poultry enclosure,
as the result of the keeping of animals, poultry or livestock.
Stoves, refrigerators, water tanks, washing machines, furniture,
mattresses not containing hazardous materials and all other nonhazardous
waste materials other than construction debris.
Bulk waste pickup shall be limited to six of the bulk waste
items listed above, each of which items shall be easily handled by
two adult persons.
Customary, nonhazardous waste building materials resulting
from construction, remodeling, repair or demolition operations.
The transportation of waste to an incinerator, sanitary landfill,
resource recovery facility or other lawful site, and making final
Every accumulation of nonhazardous, noncontaminated waste
(animal, vegetable and/or other matter) that results from the preparation,
processing, consumption, dealing in, handling, packaging, canning,
storage, transportation, decay or decomposition of meats, fish, fowl,
birds, fruits, grains or other animal or vegetable matter including,
but not by way of limitation, used tin cans and other food containers,
and all putrescible or easily decomposable waste animal or vegetable
matter which is likely to attract flies or rodents.
Any chemical, compound, mixture, substance or article designated
by a federal agency, including the United States Environmental Protection
Agency, commonwealth, county or Township agency to be "hazardous,"
"toxic" or "dangerous," as those terms are defined by or pursuant
to federal, state, county or local law.
Any natural person, association, partnership, firm or corporation.
Nonhazardous materials having monetary value in the secondary
materials market. These materials include, but are not limited to,
aluminum cans and other aluminum articles, bimetal cans, glass containers,
corrugated paper (cardboard and paper boxes), magazines, newspapers,
computer printout paper, computer tab cards, office paper, steel cans
and paper products not chemically coated.
All solid waste (excluding human body waste) generated within
the Township.
All garbage generated within a single-family residential
unit located within the Township.
Every person producing waste, refuse, garbage
or like material as referred to in this article, or being responsible
for the existence or disposal of such material, or for whom such material,
or being the owner of the premises on which such material is in existence
or is produced, or which accumulations require removal, shall be responsible
to pay the fees and other charges provided for herein, and shall be
the proper subject of the enforcement procedures as provided for herein.
[Adopted 11-20-1991 by Ord. No. 91-01]
This article shall be known as the "Recycling
As used in this article, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
Empty containers made and fabricated of aluminum and most
commonly used as beverage and food containers.
Empty food or beverage containers made from two metals; usually
consisting of ferrous sides and bottom and an aluminum top.
Any event sponsored or organized within a mandated municipality
by a public or nonprofit organization for recreational, educational
or civic purposes, which will be attended by 200 or more individuals
per day.
[Added 3-18-1992]
Any structural paper material with an inner core shaped in
rigid parallel furrows and ridges.
Products made from silica or sand, soda ash and limestone,
the product being transparent, translucent, or colored, and being
used for packaging or bottling of various matter or liquid; commonly
known as glass, specifically including clear, green or brown glass
and specifically excluding non-container glass, plate glass, blue
glass and porcelain or ceramic products.
Any bond, copier, letterhead or mimeograph paper typically
sold as "white ledger" or "ledger" paper; and computer paper.
Leaves and garden wastes, excluding shrubbery and tree trimmings,
grass clippings, and agricultural wastes.
Printed matter containing miscellaneous written pieces published
at fixed or varying intervals, often printed on paper with a shiny
or wax-coated surface.
Paper of the type commonly referred to and known as newsprint
and distributed at fixed intervals, having printed thereon news and
opinions, containing advertisements and other matters of public interest;
expressly excluded, however, are newspapers which have been soiled.
See the definition of "person" in §
218-2 of Article
I, Solid Waste Collection and Disposal, of this chapter.
Empty containers made and fabricated of plastics labeled
with the plastics recycling logo 1 and 2 and most commonly used as
beverage and food containers. Due to the large variety of types of
plastics, Township recycling regulations, which may be promulgated
from time to time, may further stipulate specific types of plastics
which may be recycled.
Materials having an economic value in the secondary materials
market. As defined in this article, those materials specified by the
Township for collection in accordance with this article and recycling
regulations which may be promulgated from time to time. Such materials
include aluminum cans, newspapers, plastic containers with the plastics
recycling logo 1 and 2, and green, brown and clear glass containers.
For commercial, industrial, institutional and municipal establishments,
this list shall include corrugated paper and high-grade office paper.
The list of recyclable materials may be changed from time to time
by the Township.
Any occupied single-family detached or two-family dwelling
from which a municipal or private hauler collects solid waste.
All refuse (garbage and rubbish) and other discarded solid
material normally collected by municipal or private haulers.
There is hereby established a program for the
mandatory separation and collection of recyclable materials from solid
waste by all persons within the Township of East Brandywine. Collection
of the materials to be recycled shall be made periodically by the
Township or its designated agent for recycling purposes. This article
is ordained pursuant to the requirements of Act 101, The Municipal
Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act.
The Township may establish and promulgate, from
time to time, rules and regulations relating to the separation, preparation,
placement and collection of recyclable materials and any other matters
required to implement this article, provided, however, such rules
and regulations shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors. The
Township may change, modify, repeal or amend any portion of said rules
and regulations at any time.
Recyclable materials shall be placed at the
curb, or other designated areas as approved by the Township, separate
from solid waste for collection at such times and dates as may be
hereinafter established by regulation. Regulations regarding commercial,
industrial, multi-family, institutional and municipal establishments
shall be established pursuant to this article and in accordance with
Act 101.
From the time of placement of recyclable materials at the curb or other approved areas for collection by the Township or its designated agent, pursuant to this article and any rules and regulations adopted hereunder, the recyclable materials shall become the property of the Township or its authorized agent, except as otherwise provided by §
218-17 of this article.
It shall be a violation of this article for
any person, unauthorized by the Township, to collect or pick up or
cause to be collected or picked up any recyclable material placed
at the curb or other approved areas for collection by the Township
or its designated agent. Each and every such unauthorized collection
in violation hereof shall constitute a separate and distinct offense
punishable as hereinafter provided.
Any person may donate or sell recyclable materials
to another person provided the materials are either delivered to the
person receiving the materials or the person receiving the materials
collects the donated or sold materials.
The Township may enter into agreements with
public or private agencies or firms to authorize them to collect all
or part of the recyclable materials from curbside or other approved
areas. In the event the Township enters into such agreements, the
agency or firm authorized to collect such recyclables shall submit
to the Township on a quarterly basis a report of the total tons of
material recycled. Until or unless the entry into such an agreement,
this article shall not be in effect.
Recycling operations for which contracts were
executed prior to the effective date of this article need not conform
to the requirements of this article and any rules and regulations
pursuant thereto. New contracts or contract renewals executed after
the effective date of this article are required to be consistent with
the requirements of this article and the rules and regulations pursuant