A screen planting shall be installed along all side and rear property lines, consisting of mixed evergreen and deciduous plant material of varying species. At the time of planting, a sufficient amount of evergreen material to visually screen the property shall be at least five feet in height (after planting) and the remainder of plantings may be of varying lesser heights.
The plantings shall be maintained permanently and replaced within one year in the event of death of any plant material. Plantings shall not be placed closer than three feet from any property line.
All existing deciduous and evergreen trees above two inches DBH and/or six feet in height shall be preserved in the buffer areas, except where clearance is required to insure sight distance.
Generally, a minimum of 35% of plant material shall be evergreen and 10% flowering material.
No portions of tree masses or trees with four-inch or greater DBH shall be cleared unless clearly necessary for effectuation of the proposed mobile home park development. Applicants shall make all reasonable efforts to harmonize their plans with the preservation of existing trees.
In addition to plantings for buffered setbacks, the design of a mobile home park shall comply with the following landscaping requirements:
Disturbed topsoil shall be stockpiled and replaced after construction.
Deciduous trees of varying species shall be planted within the mobile home park at the ratio of two per mobile home. In the event that a substantial portion of the tract is wooded and a substantial number of trees remains after development, the Board of Supervisors may modify this requirement.
Deciduous and/or evergreen shrubs of varying species shall also be planted within the mobile home park at a ratio of at least four per mobile home.
Planting of landscape material shall be in accordance with a plan prepared by a registered landscape architect, and shall be completed within six months of approval of the final plan. Failure to carry out the landscaping plan within such time shall warrant denial of the park's annual license under § 325-37 hereof.