The Commercial Service/Limited Industrial District
is intended to provide, under explicit conditions and standards, for
personal and business service uses and light industrial and manufacturing
uses within East Brandywine Township. Specifically, it recognizes
the existing uses of land in a confined area along Route 322 adjacent
to the Caln Township boundary, and the appropriateness of such area
for those uses. It permits limited new uses which are compatible with
the existing uses and with the Township's overall character and pattern
of land use.
[Amended 11-6-1996; 11-15-2000; 3-20-2002; 3-6-2008 by Ord. No. 03-2008]
The following standards apply to all uses permitted by right or conditional use within the Commercial Service/Limited Industrial District, with the exception of: junkyards permitted under §
399-51B(1), which shall be governed by the standards in §
399-54; and convenience stores permitted under §
399-51B(4), which shall be governed by the standards in §
399-102 of this chapter.
A. Proof of adequate sewage facilities and water supply: as required by §
399-40A of this chapter.
B. Minimum lot area. A net lot area of not less than 20,000 square feet shall be required in the Commercial Service/Limited Industrial District. Where the lot is to contain a combination of uses, as permitted in §
399-51A above, a minimum net lot area of 10,000 square feet per use shall be required.
C. Minimum lot width. Each lot shall have a width of
not less than 100 feet at the building setback line.
D. Minimum front yard. There shall be a front yard on
each lot which shall not be less than 50 feet in depth, or in the
case of that portion of the property used for a nonretail membership-only
gasoline station, not less than 35 feet from the edge of the right-of-way
to the base of the gasoline pump island. Within the first 20 feet
of depth of the required front yard, as measured from the street right-of-way
line, there shall be no parking area or other impervious surface other
than that needed at points of ingress to and/or egress from the lot.
E. Minimum side yard. Where the side lot line abuts a
nonresidential use within the Commercial Service/Limited Industrial
District, there shall be a side yard along such side lot line having
a width of not less than 10 feet. Where the side lot line abuts a
residential zoning district boundary, there shall be a side yard along
such side lot line having a width of not less than 40 feet.
F. Minimum rear yard. Where the rear lot line abuts a
nonresidential use within the Commercial Service/Limited Industrial
District, there shall be a rear yard of not less than 25 feet. Where
the rear lot line abuts a residential zoning district boundary, there
shall be a rear yard of not less than 50 feet.
G. Maximum impervious surface area: Not more than 75%
of the net area of any lot may be covered by impervious surfaces.
H. Minimum vegetative cover. Not less than 20% of any
lot shall be planted and maintained with existing and/or installed
I. Maximum height. No building or other structure erected,
altered, or enlarged in the Commercial Service/Limited Industrial
District shall exceed a height of three stories or 35 feet, whichever
is less.
The standards in this section apply to all uses permitted as of right or by conditional use in §
399-51 above.
A. Signs: as required by Article
B. Parking: as required by Article
C. Landscaping and site design: as required by §
D. Screening and buffering. There shall be a landscaped buffer along all property lines which abut a residential use or residential zoning district boundary. Plantings within this buffer shall have a minimum depth of 15 feet and shall be in accordance with §
399-79 of this chapter.
F. Access management and traffic control: as required by §
G. Interior circulation: as required by §
I. Loading: as required by Article
J. Erosion/sedimentation control and stormwater management, as required by Chapter
345, Stormwater Management.
[Amended 2-18-2015 by Ord. No. 01-2015]
K. Traffic impacts. The Board may require that a traffic
study by prepared and submitted as part of any application within
the Commercial Service/Limited Industrial District. The content of
the study shall be such as to enable the Board to assess the likely
impacts of the proposed development on the existing transportation
network of the Township and surrounding areas. The purpose of the
study is to identify any traffic problems likely to result from the
capacities, off-site traffic flow, public transportation, and pedestrian
and other nonvehicular circulation. The Township shall review the
methodology, assumptions, findings, and recommendations of the study.
The Board, upon recommendation from the Township Engineer or its own
traffic consultant, may impose upon the applicant additional improvements
deemed necessary to accommodate impacts of the proposed development.
An applicant for conditional use approval of
a junkyard shall submit a plan (map and text), describing specifically
how each of the following standards and criteria will be met:
A. Area, bulk, and impervious surface requirements:
(1) Minimum lot area. A minimum net lot area of not less
than 10 acres shall be provided.
(2) Minimum lot width. Each lot shall have a width of
not less than 200 feet, measured at the building setback line.
(3) Minimum yard regulations. The minimum requirements for front, side, and rear yards contained in §
E and
F, respectively, shall be applicable to a junkyard in the Commercial Service/Limited Industrial District.
(4) Maximum impervious surface area. Not more than 30%
of the net area of any lot shall be covered by impervious surfaces.
[Amended 3-20-2002]
B. Standards for storage of junk.
(1) No junk shall be stored or accumulated within 50 feet
of the side and rear lot lines of the licensed premises, nor shall
any junk be stored or accumulated within 50 feet of any street right-of-way
line that the licensed premises abuts.
(2) No item of junk shall be stored, maintained, situated,
placed, or otherwise located within any designated floodplain area
or within 100 feet of any river, stream, run, creek, irrigation ditch,
or any other natural watercourse. The more stringent of these two
standards shall govern in all cases.
(3) Any view of the junkyard from a public road or from an adjoining property shall be effectively screened, as stipulated by §
399-53D of this article.
(4) The maximum height of any outdoor unenclosed accumulation
of junk materials within a junkyard shall be eight feet.
(5) The premises shall at all times be maintained so as
not to constitute a nuisance, or a menace to the health and welfare
of the community or to residents nearby, or a place for the breeding
of rodents and vermin.
(6) That portion of the premises that is being used directly for the storage of junk shall be enclosed by a metal chain link fence constructed of heavy duty steel and supported upon steel posts, or in lieu thereof, a solid masonry or metal wall of a uniform design, texture, and structure. The land area between the fence or wall and any public street shall be landscaped in accordance with the terms of §§
399-78 and
399-79. Such fence or wall shall not be less than six feet in height.
(7) No garbage, other organic waste, or hazardous waste
shall be stored on such premises.
(8) The manner of storage and arrangement of junk and
the drainage facilities of the premises shall be such as to prevent
the accumulation of stagnant water upon the land and to facilitate
access for inspection purposes and fire fighting. All junk shall be
arranged and maintained in a neat and orderly fashion. All junk shall
be arranged in rows; each row shall be no greater in depth than 40
feet. Rows shall have at least 12 feet of clear space between them.
Consideration shall be given at curves and turning points, for the
wider aisles needed by fire-fighting equipment.
(9) Every structure erected upon the premises and used
in connection therewith shall be of fireproof construction, as deemed
sufficient by the Township Engineer.
Gasoline, oil, air-conditioner refrigerant,
coolant system fluids, or any similar potentially hazardous substance
shall be removed from any junk or other items received at the junkyard
prior to storage of such junk or other items on the premises. Removal
and disposal or storage of such liquids shall be in a manner deemed
acceptable by the Board upon advice of the Township Engineer, and
shall meet all requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental
Protection. Such liquids shall not be deposited on or into the ground.
The only vehicle tires that may be accepted
at the junkyard shall be those mounted on or contained within a vehicle
that is deposited at the junkyard for salvage or disposal. Once such
tires are removed from the vehicle being salvaged, they shall be stored
under cover and otherwise handled in accordance with the requirements
of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Post-salvage
tires shall be disposed of off site; no burning or processing of tires
or tire material shall be permitted. At no time shall the number of
accumulated tires removed from vehicles within the junkyard exceed
No junk or other material shall be burned on
the premises.
No junk shall be buried on the premises.