The purpose of this article is to achieve greater efficiency and economy in the enforcement of certain Price County ordinances and to guarantee the fairness and consistency of enforcement procedures.
This article is adopted pursuant to the authority granted by § 66.0113(1)(a), Wis. Stats. Price County elects to continue to use the citation method of enforcement.
Citations may be issued in the enforcement of the following ordinances:
Chapter 55, Emergency Management (Ordinance No. 1-07).
Chapter 215, Airport:
Article I, Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic. (Ordinance No. 5-82).
Article II, Aeronautical Services (Ordinance No. 5-89).
Chapter 218, Alarms (Ordinance No. 1-85).
Chapter 223, Animals:
Article I, Rabies Control. (Ordinance No. 4-07).
Article II, Animal Welfare and Control (Ordinance No. 1-08).
Article IV, Captive Cervids (Ordinance No. 1-22).
[Added 4-19-2022 by Ord. No. 2-22]
Article V, Breeding Facilities (Ordinance No. 1-23).
[Added 4-18-2023 by Ord. No. 3-23]
Chapter 230, Assemblies, Mass Public (Ordinance No. 3-10).
Chapter 312, Health Hazards (Ordinance No. 2-08).
Chapter 335, Intoxicating Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverages:
Article I, Possession by Minors. (Ordinance No. 1-82).
Article II, Fairgrounds (Ordinance No. 4-84).
Chapter 398, Parks and Forests:
Article II, General Regulations (Ordinance No. 5-86).
Article IV, Tree Stands, Elevated Devices and Ground Blinds (Ordinance No. 1-13).
Chapter 403, Peace and Good Order:
Article II, Disorderly Conduct (Ordinance No. 1-79).
Article III, Shoplifting (Ordinance No. 2-79).
Article IV, Worthless Checks (Ordinance No. 3-79).
Article V, Noise (Ordinance No. 5-79).
Article VI, Drug Paraphernalia (Ordinance No. 2-87).
Article VII, Contributing to Truancy (Ordinance No. 2-89).
Article VIII, Curfew (Ordinance No. 4-89).
Article IX, Display of Lights at Night (Ordinance No. 6-89).
Article X, Purchase or Possession of Tobacco Products by Minors (Ordinance No. 3-92).
Article XI, Habitual Truancy (Ordinance No. 1-99).
Article XII, Trespassing (Ordinance No. 2-99).
Chapter 469, Vehicles, Abandoned (Ordinance No. 1-05).
Chapter 473, Vehicles and Traffic, Article III, Adoption of State Traffic Laws (Ordinance No. 1-87).
Chapter 479, Waterways, Article I, Aquatic Plants and Invasive Animals (Ordinance No. 1-09).
Chapter 485, Airport Zones (Ordinance No. 4-97).
Chapter 494, Building Numbers and Road Names (Ordinance No. 1-91).
Chapter 505, Floodplain Zoning (Ordinance No. 3-08).
Chapter 514, Mining, Nonmetallic (Ordinance No. 5-07).
Chapter 518, Sewage Systems, Private (Ordinance No. 2-01).
Chapter 520, Shoreland Zoning (Ordinance No. 1-98).
Chapter 525, Subdivision of Land (Ordinance No. 1-75).
Chapter 530, Zoning (Ordinance No. 4-79).
Any Price County law enforcement officer and the Price County Zoning Administrator may issue citations for violations of the following ordinances:
Chapter 518, Sewage Systems, Private (Ordinance No. 2-01).
Chapter 520, Shoreland Zoning (Ordinance No. 1-98).
Chapter 525, Subdivision of Land (Ordinance No. 1-75).
Chapter 530, Zoning (Ordinance No. 4-79).
Any law enforcement officer, including a deputy for the Price County Sheriff's Department, patrolman for the City of Park Falls Police Department, and patrolman for the City of Phillips Police Department, may issue citations for violations of the following ordinances:
Chapter 223, Animals, Article II, Animal Welfare and Control (Ordinance No. 1-08).
Chapter 312, Health Hazards (Ordinance No. 2-08).
Chapter 335, Intoxicating Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverages:
Article I, Possession by Minors. (Ordinance No. 1-82).
Article II, Fairgrounds (Ordinance No. 4-84).
Chapter 398, Parks and Forests:
Article II, General Regulations (Ordinance No. 5-86).
Article IV, Tree Stands, Elevated Devices and Ground Blinds (Ordinance No. 1-13).
Chapter 403, Peace and Good Order:
Article II, Disorderly Conduct (Ordinance No. 1-79).
Article III, Shoplifting (Ordinance No. 2-79).
Article IV, Worthless Checks (Ordinance No. 3-79).
Article V, Noise (Ordinance No. 5-79).
Article VI, Drug Paraphernalia (Ordinance No. 2-87).
Article VII, Contributing to Truancy (Ordinance No. 2-89).
Article VIII, Curfew (Ordinance No. 4-89).
Article IX, Display of Lights at Night (Ordinance No. 6-89).
Article X, Purchase or Possession of Tobacco Products by Minors (Ordinance No. 3-92).
Article XI, Habitual Truancy (Ordinance No. 1-99).
Article XII, Trespassing (Ordinance No. 2-99).
Chapter 473, Vehicles and Traffic, Article III, Adoption of State Traffic Laws (Ordinance No. 1-87).
Any designee of the Price County Health and Human Services Board may issue citations for violations of Chapter 312, Health Hazards (Ordinance No. 2-08).
The citations issued pursuant to this article shall provide for the following:
The name and address of the alleged violator.
The factual allegations describing the alleged violation.
The time and place of the offense.
The number of the ordinance violated.
A designation of the offense in a manner that can be readily understood by a person making a reasonable effort to do so.
The date and time at which the alleged violator may appear in court.
A statement which in essence informs the alleged violator that:
The alleged violator may make a cash deposit based on the schedule established by Board of Supervisors to be mailed or delivered to the Clerk of Court prior to the time of the scheduled court appearance.
If the alleged violator makes such a deposit, he or she need not appear in court unless subsequently summoned.
If the alleged violator makes a cash deposit and does not appear in court, he or she either will be deemed to have tendered a plea of no contest and submitted to a forfeiture, plus costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under Ch. 814, Wis. Stats., not to exceed the amount of the deposit or will be summoned into court to answer the complaint if the court does not accept the plea of no contest.
If the alleged violator does not make a cash deposit and does not appear in court at the time specified, the court may issue a summons or a warrant for the defendant's arrest or consider the nonappearance to be a plea of no contest and enter judgment under § 66.0113(3)(d), Wis. Stats., or the County may commence an action against the alleged violator to collect the forfeiture, plus costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under Ch. 814, Wis. Stats.
If the court finds that the violation involves an ordinance that prohibits conduct that is the same as or similar to conduct prohibited by state statute punishable by fine or imprisonment or both and that the violation resulted in damage to the property of or physical injury to a person other than the alleged violator, the court may summon the alleged violator into court to determine if restitution shall be ordered under § 800.093, Wis. Stats.
A direction that if the alleged violator elects to make a cash deposit, the alleged violator shall sign an appropriate statement which accompanies the citation to indicate that he or she read the statement required under Subsection G of this section and shall send the signed statement with the cash deposit.
The form of the citation used under this article shall be approved by the Price County District Attorney. The form of the citation to be used for the following ordinances shall also be approved by the Price County Land Use and UW Extension Committee. Such approval shall be recorded in said Committee's minutes.
Chapter 518, Sewage Systems, Private (Ordinance No. 2-01).
Chapter 520, Shoreland Zoning (Ordinance No. 1-98).
Chapter 525, Subdivision of Land (Ordinance No. 1-75).
Chapter 530, Zoning (Ordinance No. 4-79).
Chapter 55, Emergency Management (Ordinance No. 1-07), § 55-10.
First offense: $100 plus court costs.
Second offense: $200 plus court costs.
Chapter 215, Airport.
Article I, Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic. (Ordinance No. 5-82), § 215-7.
First offense: $100 plus court costs.
Second offense: $200 plus court costs.
Article II, Aeronautical Services (Ordinance No. 5-89), § 215-23A.
First offense: $250 plus court costs.
Second offense: $500 plus court costs.
Chapter 218, Alarms (Ordinance No. 1-85), § 218-8.
First offense: $150 plus court costs.
Second offense: $300 plus court costs.
Chapter 223, Animals, Article I, Rabies Control (Ordinance No. 4-07).
Section 223-13A, failure to vaccinate:
First offense: $50 plus court costs.
Second offense: $100 plus court costs.
Section 223-13B, failure to comply with any order: $200 plus court costs.
Section 223-13C, all other infractions: $200 plus court costs.
Chapter 223, Animals, Article II, Animal Welfare and Control (Ordinance No. 1-08).
Section 223-20, dog license:
First offense: $5 plus court costs.
Second offense: $25 plus court costs.
Section 223-21, interference with Animal Control Officer:
First offense: $100 plus court costs.
Second offense: $200 plus court costs.
Section 223-22, disposal of dead domesticated animal:
First offense: $100 plus court costs.
Second offense: $200 plus court costs.
Section 223-23, treatment of diseased or injured animals:
First offense: $100 plus court costs.
Second offense: $200 plus court costs.
Section 223-24, animals creating nuisances: $100 plus court costs.
Section 223-25, possession of dangerous dogs: $200 plus court costs.
Section 223-26, control of all animals:
First offense: $50 plus court costs.
Second offense: $100 plus court costs.
Section 223-27, possession of vicious animals:
First offense: $100 plus court costs.
Second offense: $200 plus court costs.
Section 223-28, reports of attacking or biting animals: $50 plus court costs.
Section 223-30, prohibited animals:
First offense: $100 plus court costs.
Second offense: $200 plus court costs.
Section 223-31, ferrets: $50 plus court costs.
Section 223-32, animals bitten by rabid animals/suspected rabid animals: $50 plus court costs.
Section 223-33, cruelty to animals:
First offense: $200 plus court costs.
Second offense within two years: $400 plus court costs.
Section 223-34, aggravated cruelty to animals:
First offense: $200 plus court costs.
Second offense within two years: $400 plus court costs.
Section 223-35, abandonment of a domestic animal:
First offense: $100 plus court costs.
Second offense: $250 plus court costs.
Section 223-36, fighting of animals: $1,000 plus court costs.
Section 223-37, animal fighting/training arenas/areas: $500 plus court costs.
Section 223-38, animal fighting training equipment: $200 plus court costs.
Section 223-39, animals in motor vehicles: $200 plus court costs.
Section 223-40, impoundment of animals inhumanely or cruelly treated; exhibition of animals: $50 plus court costs.
Section 223-42, sanitation: $50 plus court costs.
Chapter 230, Assemblies, Mass Public (Ordinance No. 3-10), § 230-9D.
First offense: $2,000 plus court costs.
Second offense: $5,000 plus court costs.
Chapter 312, Health Hazards (Ordinance No. 2-08), § 312-11D: $250 plus court costs.
Chapter 335, Intoxicating Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverages.
Article I, Possession by Minors. (Ordinance No. 1-82), § 335-2A.
First offense: $150 plus court costs.
Second offense: $300 plus court costs.
Article II, Fairgrounds (Ordinance No. 4-84), § 335-5.
First offense: $150 plus court costs.
Second offense: $300 plus court costs.
Chapter 398, Parks and Forests.
[Amended 4-16-2024 by Ord. No. 2-24]
Article II, General Regulations (Ordinance No. 5-86).
Use restrictions
Fees and charges
Personal conduct
Property of others
Unnecessary noise
Vehicular traffic
Parking violations
Boundary buoy
Swimming regulations
Beach athletics
Bathing dress
Camping regulations
Forest use regulations
Tree stands
No firewood permit
Article IV, Tree Stands, Elevated Devices and Ground Blinds (Ordinance No. 1-13): $300 plus applicable costs.
Chapter 403, Peace and Good Order.
Article VII, Contributing to Truancy (Ordinance No. 2-89): $200 plus applicable costs.
Article X, Purchase or Possession of Tobacco Products by Minors (Ordinance No. 3-92): $10 plus applicable costs.
Chapter 469, Vehicles, Abandoned (Ordinance No. 1-05), § 469-4.
First offense: $100 plus court costs.
Second offense: $200 plus court costs.
Chapter 479, Waterways.
Article I, Aquatic Plants and Invasive Animals (Ordinance No. 1-09), § 479-5.
First offense: $250 plus court costs.
Second offense: $400 plus court costs.
Chapter 485, Airport Zones (Ordinance No. 4-97), § 485-9.
First offense: $100 plus court costs.
Second offense: $200 plus court costs.
Chapter 494, Building Numbers and Road Names (Ordinance No. 1-91), § 494-5: $10 per day plus court costs.
Chapter 505, Floodplain Zoning (Ordinance No. 3-08), § 505-45.
First offense: $25 per day plus court costs.
Second offense: $50 per day plus court costs.
Chapter 514, Mining, Nonmetallic (Ordinance No. 5-07).
Violation of Chapter NR 135, Wisconsin Administrative Code, or an order issued under § 514-40:
First offense: $500 plus court costs.
Second offense: $1,000 plus court costs.
Except as provided in Subsection P(1), violation of Subchapter I of Ch. 295, Wis. Stats., Chapter NR 135, Wisconsin Administrative Code, any reclamation plan approved pursuant to Chapter 514 or an order issued pursuant to § 514-40:
First offense: $1,000 plus court costs.
Second offense: $2,000 plus court costs.
Chapter 520, Shoreland Zoning (Ordinance No. 1-98), § 520-50.
First offense: $25 plus court costs.
Second offense: $100 plus court costs.
Chapter 525, Subdivision of Land (Ordinance No. 1-75), § 525-15C.
First offense: $200 plus court costs.
Second offense: $500 plus court costs.
The following schedule of deposits applies to Chapter 518, Sewage Systems, Private (Ordinance No. 2-01); Chapter 520, Shoreland Zoning (Ordinance No. 1-98); Chapter 525, Subdivision of Land (Ordinance No. 1-75); and Chapter 530, Zoning (Ordinance No. 4-79):
Land use permits for
Shoreland alteration
Sanitary permits (assessed to owner and contractor)
Special exception and/or conditional use permit
Sign permits
Setback violations of structures
From roads
From navigable waters
From lot lines
Shoreland cutting
Zoning district permitted use violations
Violations of mobile homes, mobile home parks and campgrounds
Substandard mobile home on property over allowed number of days out of 1 year (unless allowed by permit)
Excess of allowable number of sites as permitted by conditional
$50 per site
Other requirements as designated by sections regarding mobile home parks and campgrounds and camping resorts
Gravel pits
No registration prior to opening
Failure to reclaim after pit is closed
Mines and quarries
Failure to obtain grant from Land Use and UW Extension Committee
Failure to reclaim after closure
Junkyards and salvage yards
Operation without an approved permit
Violation of junkyard provisions as specified in the Price County Zoning Ordinance
Sanitary landfills
Any violation of the sign section in the Price County Zoning Ordinance that has to do with permits and characteristics of signs
Subdivision control
Creation of lots without Land Use and UW Extension Committee approval unless exempt from platting controls as described in §§ 236.03 and 236.45(2), Wis. Stats.
$100 per lot
Private sewage systems
Installation of system or repair of the same without a valid master plumber's license or journeyman's under a master's supervision
Septic tank
Drain field
Note: fine to installer and homeowner (may also be same person)
Without a permit
Setback violations
Waste disposal violations
Public health nuisances
Any public health nuisance declared in the Price County Nuisance Ordinance
The procedure provisions of § 66.0113, Wis. Stats., and all subsequent amendments to said section are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference.
Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to prevent the use of any other method of enforcing Price County ordinances, including but not limited to the use of a summons and complaint as provided for under Chs. 66 and 799, Wis. Stats., or the use of a petition as provided under Ch. 48, Wis. Stats. Adoption of this article in no way precludes the adoption of any other ordinance providing for the enforcement of any law or ordinance providing for the same or any other matter.
The issuance of a citation under this article in no way precludes preceding under any other law or ordinance relating to the same and any other matter.
Submission of a deposit shall in no way alleviate the alleged violator of future citations, should the alleged offense remain uncorrected.