Regulated activities. Other than an exempt activity as defined in § 195-3B hereof, it shall be unlawful to create a new steep slope or create a disturbance to an existing steep slope in an amount equal to or greater than the areas described in Subsections A(1) through (4) below or in an amount equal to or greater than 50% of any existing individual lot area, in the absence of a steep slope permit issued by the approving authority and a work permit issued by the Building Inspector.
Steep slope areas.
Moderately steep slope: proposed new steep slope and/or disturbance covering a minimum horizontal area of 3/10 of an acre or 13,068 square feet.
Very steep slope: proposed new steep slope and/or disturbance covering a minimum horizontal area of 2/10 of an acre or 8,712 square feet.
Extremely steep slope: proposed new steep slope and/or disturbance covering a minimum horizontal area of 1/10 of an acre or 4,356 square feet.
The most steeply sloped area that meets the minimum area threshold, as specified above, shall determine approving authority jurisdiction and review procedures.
If the areas of proposed disturbance within each of the three categories of steep slope are individually less than the minimum areas defined above, then the area of all contiguous steeply sloped areas proposed for disturbance shall be merged as specified herein. A steep slope area shall be regulated pursuant to the provisions of this chapter if the total of all such steeply sloped areas proposed for disturbance, as adjusted according to the weighting factors identified below, exceeds a sum of 3/10 of an acre or 13,068 square feet.
Moderately steep slope area X 1.0 + Very steep slope area X 1.5 + Extremely steep slope area X 3.0 = Total weighted area
If no category of steep slope meets or exceeds the minimum area requirement for a steep slope, but the total weighted area of two or more slope categories exceeds 13,068 square feet (3/10 acre), then the single slope category that has the largest area after the application of the relevant weighting factor shall determine approving authority jurisdiction and review procedures.
Exempt activities. The following activities on steep slopes do not require the issuance of a permit:
Normal ground maintenance, including mowing, trimming and pruning of vegetation and removal of dead or diseased vegetation, provided that such activity does not involve regrading and further provided that such activity conforms with all other applicable ordinances, laws and regulations.
The disturbance to steep slopes under temporary emergency conditions, as determined by the Village Engineer, where such disturbance is necessary to protect persons or property from present and imminent danger.
In granting a steep slope permit under this chapter, the approving authority shall apply the following standards:
That the proposed activity and the manner in which it is to be accomplished are in accordance with the purpose and findings set forth in § 195-1 of this chapter.
That the proposed activity and the manner in which it is to be accomplished can be completed without increasing the possibility of creep or sudden slope failure and will minimize additional erosion to the maximum extent practicable.
That the proposed activity and the manner in which it is to be accomplished will not adversely affect the preservation and protection of existing wetlands, water bodies, watercourses, floodplains, or any endangered species of flora or fauna.
That the proposed activity and the manner in which it is to be accomplished can be completed in such a way so as not to adversely affect existing, proposed or potential future wells or sewage disposal systems.
That the proposed activity and the manner in which it is to be accomplished are consistent with the principles and recommendation of the Village Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Village Board.
Lot layouts shall be designed so that sanitary sewage disposal systems entirely avoid areas of very steep slope and extremely steep slope and are in compliance with all standards and regulations of the Westchester County Health Department.
The padding or terracing of building sites shall be evaluated on a site-by-site basis for appropriateness. The mounding of septic tile fields shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable.
The alignment of roads and driveways shall follow the natural topography, minimize regrading and, in the case of roads, shall comply with design standards for maximum grades set forth in the Village Code.
The natural elevations and vegetative cover of ridgelines shall be protected from disturbance to the maximum extent possible.
All regrading shall blend in with the natural contours and undulations of the land.
Cuts and fills shall be rounded off to eliminate sharp angles at the top, bottom and side of regraded slopes.
The angle of cut and fill slopes shall not exceed the natural angle of repose of the soil or rock materials in the cut or fill, except where retaining walls or other structural stabilization is used. Generally for soils, cut and fill slopes should be not steeper than two horizontal to one vertical (fifty-percent slope).
Fill slopes shall avoid all slopes of two horizontal to one vertical (fifty-percent slope) or steeper. The toe of the fill slope shall not be located within 12 feet horizontally of the top of an existing or proposed cut slope.
Tops and bottoms of cut and fill slopes shall be set back from existing and proposed property lines a distance at least equal to the lesser of three feet plus 1/5 of the height of the cut or fill or 10 feet.
Tops and bottoms of cut and fill slopes shall be set back from structures a distance that will ensure the safety of the structure in the event of the collapse of the cut or fill slopes. Generally, such distance will be considered to be six feet plus 1/5 the height of the cut or fill but need not exceed 10 feet. Nevertheless, a structure may be built on a slope or at the toe of a slope if it is designed to retain the slope and to withstand the forces exerted on it by the retained slope.
Measures for the control of erosion and sedimentation shall be undertaken in accordance with the New York Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control (Empire State Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, 2005, most recent version including applicable updates or its successors) or its equivalent satisfactory to the approving authority.
The applicant shall have the burden of proof to demonstrate compliance with this chapter.