The City shall have all powers, privileges and immunities possible for a City to have under the Constitution and laws of this state as fully and completely as though they were specifically enumerated in this Charter.
The powers of the City under this Charter shall be construed liberally in favor of the City, and specific mention of particular powers in the Charter shall not be construed as limiting in any way the general power stated in this chapter.
The City and its officers shall have power to exercise all municipal powers in the management and control of municipal property and in the administration of the municipal government for the public peace and health and for the safety of persons and property, whether such powers be expressly enumerated herein or not; to do any act to advance the interests of the City, the good government and prosperity of the municipality and its inhabitants, and through its regularly constituted authority, to pass and enforce all laws, ordinances and resolutions relating to its municipal concerns, subject to the Constitution and general laws of this state and provisions of this Charter.
In addition to the powers possessed by the City under the Constitution and statutes, and those set forth throughout this Charter, the City shall have power with respect to, and may, by ordinance and other lawful acts of its officers, provide for the following, subject to any specific limitations placed thereon by the Charter and by statute law.
The acquisition, by purchase, gift, condemnation, lease, construction or in any manner permitted by statute, of private property of every type and nature for public use, which property may be located within or without the County of Wayne, and which may be required for or incidental to the present or future exercise of the purposes, powers and duties of the City, either proprietary or otherwise.
The maintenance, development, operation, leasing and disposal of City property subject to any restrictions placed thereon by statute or this Charter.
The refunding of money advanced or paid in special assessment districts.
The installation and connection of conduits for the service of municipally owned and operated electric lighting plants.
The purchase or condemnation of the franchises and of the property used in the operation of companies or individuals engaged in the cemetery, hospital, almshouse, electric light, gas, heat, water and power business.
The use, regulation, improvement and control of the surfaces of such streets, alleys and public ways, and of the space above and beneath them.
The use, by other than the owner, of property located in streets, alleys and public places, in operation of a public utility, upon the payment of a reasonable compensation to the owners thereof.
A plan of streets and alleys within and for a distance of not more than three miles beyond the municipal limits.
The use, control and regulation of streams, waters and watercourses within its boundaries and the operation of all watercraft upon them, subject to any limitations imposed by statutes, providing that the enlarging, extending, dredging, cleaning, repairing or otherwise improving streams, canals and other waterways within its boundaries may be defrayed by special assessments upon the property in special districts specially benefited in proportion to the benefits derived or to be derived; the cost of service, plans and expense incident to the proceedings for making such improvement shall be deemed to be a part of the cost of the improvement.
The acquisition, construction, establishment, operation, extension and maintenance of facilities for the docking of all watercraft and sea planes within its corporate limits, including the fixing and collection of charges for use thereof; and for such purpose or purposes, to acquire by gift, purchase, condemnation or otherwise the land necessary therefor and for regulating shipping, dockage, storage, warehousing and all other commercial and/or other industrial waterfront uses, and regulating and restricting locations of boat liveries and marinas.
The securing by condemnation, by agreement or purchase, or by any other means, of an easement in property abutting or adjacent to any navigable body of water for the purpose of securing the privilege and right to construct, own and maintain along or adjacent to any navigable body of water an elevated structure of one or more levels for use as a vehicular or pedestrian passageway, or for any other municipal purpose, including a tunnel.
The acquisition, establishment, operation, extension and maintenance of facilities for the storage and parking of vehicles within its corporate limits, including also the fixing and collection of charges for service and use thereof on a public utility basis, and for each purpose to acquire by gift, purchase, condemnation or otherwise the land necessary therefor.
Regulating and restricting the locations of oil and gasoline stations.
The establishing of districts or zones within which the use of land and structures, the height, the area, the size and the location of buildings, required open spaces for light and ventilation of such buildings and the density of population may be regulated by ordinance in accordance with statutory provisions governing zoning.
The regulating of trades, occupations and amusements within the City, not inconsistent with state and federal laws; and for the prohibiting of such trades, occupations and amusements as are detrimental to the health, morals or welfare of its inhabitants.
Licensing, regulating, restricting and limiting locations of advertising signs or displays and billboards within the City.
The preventing of injury or annoyance to the inhabitants of the City from anything which is dangerous, offensive or unhealthful, including water, air and noise pollution, and for the preventing and abating of nuisances and punishing those occasioning them or neglecting or refusing to abate, discontinue or remove the same.
The prescribing of the terms and conditions upon which licenses may be granted, suspended or revoked; requiring payment of reasonable sums for licenses; requiring the furnishing of a bond to the City for the faithful observance of the conditions under which licenses are granted; and otherwise conditioning such licenses as the Council may prescribe.
The regulating of all airports/heliports located within its boundaries, and, for the purpose of promoting and preserving the public peace, safety and welfare, controlling and regulating the use of air above the City by aircraft of all types.
The prohibiting or regulating of the use, occupancy, sanitation and parking of house trailers, motor homes and/or travel trailers within the City, and the right of the City to so regulate any house trailer, motor home and/or travel trailer shall not be abrogated because of any detachment thereof from its wheels or because of placing it on or attaching it to the ground by means of any temporary or permanent foundation or in any manner whatsoever.
The requiring of an owner of real property within the City to abate public hazards and nuisances which are dangerous to the health or safety of inhabitants of the City within a reasonable time after the Council notifies him that such hazard or nuisance exists, and if the owner fails to comply with such requirements, or if the owner is unknown, to abate such hazard or nuisance and assess the cost thereof against such property in accordance with § C-11.13.
The compelling of owners of real property within the City to keep sidewalks abutting upon their property clear from snow, ice or other obstructions, and if the owner fails to comply with such requirements, to remove such snow, ice or other obstructions and assess the cost thereof against the abutting property in accordance with § C-11.13.
Requiring the platting of all land or premises within the City hereafter subdivided, in accordance with the terms and conditions as may be provided by ordinance, subject to any limitations imposed by statute.
The control over all trees, shrubs and plants in the public streets, highways, parks or other public places in the City, all dead and diseased trees on private property, and trees on private property overhanging the street, sidewalk or public places and the appropriate removal thereof and assessing the cost thereof against the property in accordance with § C-11.13.
The control of all sidewalks of public streets and alleys of the City and may prescribe the grade thereof and change the same when deemed necessary. Council shall also have authority to require owners and occupants of lots and premises to build, rebuild and maintain sidewalks in the public streets adjacent to and abutting upon such lots and premises, and to keep them in repair at all times, and to construct and lay the same upon such lines and grades and of such widths, materials and manners of construction, and within such time as Council shall by ordinance or resolution prescribe, and the expense thereof to be paid by such owner or occupant.
To enact a building and housing code; to regulate the erection and repair of buildings and to require building permits therefor; to prevent the erection of unsafe buildings and to provide for the removal of any such buildings; and to regulate the maintenance and occupancy of buildings insofar as the same affect health and safety.
To regulate and license hotels, rooming houses, boardinghouses and restaurants.
To prohibit or to regulate and license public billiard and pool tables, public billiard and pool rooms, bowling alleys, arcades and video game centers, and to restrict the location thereof.
To regulate and license theaters, motion picture shows, public shows, exhibitions and other amusements not specifically mentioned in this Charter.
To regulate and license auctioneers, pawnbrokers, hawkers, peddlers, solicitors, transient merchants, junk dealers and junk yards.
The City shall have power to join, with any governmental unit or agency, or with any number or combination thereof, by contract or otherwise as may be permitted by law to have performed jointly or by one or more of them for or on behalf of the other or others or by any other person, firm or corporation, any power or duty which is permitted to be so performed by law or which is possessed by, or imposed upon, each such governmental unit or agency; provided, however, any such contract or contracts shall provide an escape clause in favor of the City.