The executive power of the city is vested in the mayor and in such executive officers and departments as are or may be created by law or by resolution of the board of estimate and contract. The mayor shall be the official head of the city for services of all civil process and under the military law, and for all ceremonial purposes. He shall be the administrative head of the city government and ex-officio head of all departments.[1] He shall see that within the city the laws of the state and the ordinances, resolutions and bylaws of the council are faithfully executed.[2]
Editor's Note: However, see§ 7 of this Charter.
Editor's Note: However, see§ 8 of this Charter.
All appointive officers, except as provided by the laws of the State of New York or herein otherwise specified, shall be appointed by the mayor and may be removed by him, in accordance however with the provisions of the Civil Service Law.
Whenever there shall be any vacancy in the office of the mayor or whenever by reason of sickness or absence from the city the mayor shall be prevented from attending to the duties of the office the council shall elect one of its members of the same political faith as the duly elected mayor to act as mayor and possess all the rights of mayor during such period of the disability or absence. In case of a vacancy in the office of the mayor the person so elected by the council shall so act until noon of the first day of January next succeeding the election at which the mayor's successor shall be chosen. It shall not be lawful for the person when acting as mayor to exercise any power of appointment or removal from office unless such sickness or absence shall have continued for a period of sixty days; or to sign, approve or disapprove any ordinance or resolution unless such sickness or absence shall have continued for a period of at least nine days.
In case of riot, conflagration, flood or other public emergency requiring it, the mayor shall have power to call out the police and firemen; he shall also have power to appoint such number of special policemen as he may deem necessary to preserve the public peace. Such special policemen shall be under the sole control of the regularly constituted officers of the police department. They shall have power to make arrests only for public intoxication, disorderly conduct or other offenses against peace and good order. In case of riot or insurrection, he may take command of the whole police force, including the chief executive officers thereof.
The mayor shall, on behalf of the city, execute all deeds and contracts made by it, and shall cause to be affixed thereto the official seal.