The purpose of this Article is to establish districts wherein compatible uses of land may be located and grouped to create, protect or maintain a living environment for the residents of the city. Eight broad categories of uses are established: low-density residential, medium-density residential, high-density residential, residential-office, general business, central business, light industrial and heavy industrial. It is the intent of this Article to stabilize and protect the uses contained within these districts by excluding mutually interfering uses and to allow a maximum degree of latitude within the regulations to promote residential harmony, conduct profitable business or contribute to the economy of the city. It is also the purpose of this classification to make it possible to more efficiently and economically design and install all physical public service facilities in terms of size and capacity to adequately and permanently meet the needs resulting from a defined intensity of land use and to protect the health, safety, morals, prosperity and well-being of the community at large.
[Amended 9-27-2018 by Ord. No. 1769; 6-27-2024 by Ord. No. 1822]
The City is hereby divided into nine classes of districts with the designation and general purposes listed herein.
R-1 Low-Density Residential
Primarily a single-family residential district with adequate lot areas required and including customary accessory and secondary uses, although providing for multifamily at the same density as single-family housing
R-2 Medium-Density Residential
Primarily a one- and two-family residential district with adequate lot areas required and including customary accessory and secondary uses and, on a conditional basis, limited neighborhood shopping
R-3 High-Density Residential
Primarily a multifamily residential district with adequate lot areas required, but also providing for one- or two-family housing, customary accessory and secondary uses and limited neighborhood shopping
R-O Residential Office
A combination residential and office district devoted to preserving the older, larger residences by providing an alternative business and professional office use and allowing for adequate lot areas and customary accessory and secondary uses
C-1 General Business
A secondary commercial area for uses related to downtown, but not best sited for the core downtown areas and depending on proximity to major streets or arterials for trade and transportation
C-2 Central Business
Primarily a commercial area for the conduct of retail trade, administrative and professional offices and services to the general public with emphasis on large stores and specialized shops serving the community and regional trade area
M-1 Light Industrial
Exclusively for limited assembly, fabrication, processing and service facilities involving small or portable machinery and regulated with regard to dissemination of atmospheric pollutants, noise, vibration, odors and the creation of physical hazards to adjacent uses
M-2 Heavy Industrial
Primarily for heavy manufacturing, processing, fabrication and assembling of products or materials, warehousing and storage and transportation facilities and rolling stock marshaling and storage
Ritts Historical and Architectural District
Rotary Arts and Cultural District
To promote and support the arts within the designated arts district and throughout the City of Butler.