[Added 7-5-2006 by Res. No. 06-14-06A[1]]
Editor's Note: This resolution was originally adopted as Article IX, §§ 9.1 through 9.3, but was renumbered with the consent of the Town for incorporation into the Town Code.
The Town Manager shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council subject to removal by a 4/5 vote of the Council. The Town Manager shall be paid an annual salary as set by the approved budget. The Council may increase said salary in the annual budget but may not decrease the Town Manager's salary as established upon the Town Manager's appointment.
The Town Manager shall have the following powers and duties, subject to the supervision of the Mayor:
Organize, direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the Town;
Appoint, suspend and remove all Town employees, with the approval of the Mayor;
Prepare and maintain detailed personnel records and evaluations;
See that all ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations adopted by the Town are faithfully executed;
Attend all public meetings of the Council and participate in discussion, but not vote at such meetings;
Engage assistants to the extent authorized by the budget;
Do such other things in relation to the administrative, fiscal or financial affairs of the Town as the Mayor or the Council may require or as may be required elsewhere in this Charter;
Undertake such research and make reports and recommendations as the Mayor and Council may request or as he may deem desirable.
The Town Manager shall provide a bond with such corporate surety and in such amount as the Council, by ordinance, may require, the cost thereof to be an expense of the Town.