The officers of the College shall be the members
of the College Board of Directors (who shall be known as "Board members")
and the President of the College. The Board of Directors shall consist
of seven Directors to be appointed by the Menominee Tribal Legislature.
The terms of office of the existing Board Chairperson
and Directors shall not be changed as a result of the enactment of
this Charter.
The Legislature shall require each candidate
to appear at a legislative confirmation hearing so that the candidate
may present an oral statement in support of his or her candidacy and
respond to appropriate questions from any Legislator. At the conclusion
of the legislative confirmation hearing, the Legislature shall give
due and proper consideration to the candidate's qualifications and
shall choose to appoint or decline to appoint the individual to the
College Board of Directors based solely on his or her individual qualifications
to hold such office. The motion to appoint a suitable individual shall
contain an appropriate statement as to that individual's qualifications
for office.
Any Director having entered upon the duties
of the office may resign the same in writing to the Board of Directors.
Every person appointed to any office under this Charter shall, before entering upon the duties of office, take and subscribe an oath of office as provided for in the Bylaws at Article
IV and file the same with the Clerk of the Secretary of the Menominee Tribal Legislature. Any Board member or administrative officer of the College shall severally, before he or she enters upon the duties of his or her respective office, execute to the College of the Menominee Nation bonds in such form and amounts and upon such conditions as deemed necessary by the Board for the protection of the College.
Any officer of the College, or any person employed
in the services of the College, who shall willfully violate or evade
any of the provisions of law, or commit any fraud upon the College,
or convert any of the public property to his or her own use or knowingly
permit any other person to convert it, or by gross or culpable neglect
of duty allow the same to be lost to the College, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and, in addition to the penalties imposed
by Menominee law or other applicable federal law and upon conviction,
shall forfeit the office and be excluded forever from receiving or
holding any office under the Charter of the College of the Menominee
Nation and shall be liable to refund to the College, at the suit of
any member of the Menominee Nation or officer of the College, any
amount lost to said College by reason of such violation of law.