[Adopted 2-21-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-08]
Pursuant to the Open Space Lands Act, Act of January 19, 1968, P.L. 992, No. 442 (32 P.S. § 5007.1), as amended, the Council hereby exempt the following from further millage increases imposed on real property in Lower Saucon Township:
Real property in which the open space property interests have been acquired by the Township or by Northampton County in accordance with the Open Space Lands Act, Act of January 19, 1968, P.L. 992, No. 442 (32 P.S. § 5001 et seq.); and
Real property that is subject to an easement acquired in accordance with the Act of June 30, 1981, P.L. 128, No. 43, known as the "Agricultural Area Security Law";[1]
Editor's Note: See 3 P.S. § 901 et seq.
The millage freeze authorized by this article shall apply to all eligible real property in Lower Saucon Township, whether the real property met the criteria of this article prior to or subsequent to the date of this article.
The date at which the millage rate shall be frozen is as follows:
For property or easements acquired prior to the date of this article, the millage rate shall be frozen as of the effective date of this article; and
For property or easement acquired subsequent to the date of this article, the millage rate shall be frozen as of the date of the acquisition of said property or easement.