The Police Department of the Town of Clinton
is hereby established and shall consist of the officers and men composing
the complement on the date of the adoption of this chapter and such
other officers, patrolmen, probationary officers, police matrons,
traffic officers, school traffic officers and employees as the Council
may from time to time appoint.
All members of the Police Department shall be
appointed by the Mayor, with confirmation by Council, to hold office
as provided by law.
The Police Department of the town shall be under
the control of the Town Council and the Police Committee thereof or
the Council as a whole.
Unless the Town Council elects to be the governing
body as a whole of the Department, the Mayor shall, each year as soon
after the organization of the Council as may be possible, select and
designate three members of the Town Council who shall constitute the
Police Committee. He shall name one of the members of the Committee
as Chairman and a second member as Vice Chairman, who shall be known
as the Police Commissioner and Deputy Police Commissioner, respectively.
Subject to the direction of the Police Committee and further subject
to the ultimate control of the Council, the Police Commissioner shall
be in charge and have the supervision and control of the Police Department.
The Council shall establish by resolution and
may from time to time amend and repeal by resolution such rules and
regulations as it deems necessary for the government and efficient
working of the entire Department. When adopted, the rules and regulations
shall be posted by the Police Commissioner within five days after
their adoption in the room in the Municipal Building assigned to the
Police Department and a copy thereof shall be delivered to each and
every member of the Department within five days after such adoption,
amendment or repeal thereof.
Each member of the Police Department, before
entering upon the performance of his duties, shall take and subscribe
an oath to bear true faith and allegiance to the government established
in this state, to support the Constitutions of the United States of
America and the State of New Jersey and to faithfully, impartially
and justly discharge and perform all the duties of his office, which
oath or affirmation shall be filed with the Clerk.
[Added 1- 26-1982 by Ord. No. 82-1]
A. Creation of office. The office of the Director of
Law and Public Safety is hereby created and a Director shall be appointed
and removed at will by the Town Council. The Director of Law and Public
Safety shall be chosen on the basis of his thorough knowledge of the
principles and practices of modern police and civil defense administration
and supervision, knowledge of the principles and practices of modern
police science, administration, crime prevention and his ability to
command the respect of officers and men and his ability to plan, assign,
direct, supervise and evaluate the work of the Police Department.
The Director of Law and Public Safety shall also be acquainted with
emergency and disaster procedure and be able to administer and coordinate
the interaction of the Police Department, the Fire Department, Rescue
Squad and other emergency and disaster control units organized and
functioning within the Town of Clinton.
B. Qualifications. The Director of Law and Public Safety
shall be a citizen of the United States and shall have at least 10
years' experience as a member of a police department or force, of
which at least five years shall have been in a supervisory capacity.
Military police experience may be accepted as part of the ten-year-experience
qualification; however, the supervisory qualification shall have been
attained in a civil police department or force. In lieu thereof, the
Director of Law and Public Safety shall possess at least a bachelor's
degree from an accredited program in police sciences and administration
in a recognized institution of higher education and such educational
requirements shall be supplemented by a minimum of three years' experience
as a Director of Law and Public Safety, a Lieutenant or similar position
in a municipality of greater size than or similar size and nature
as the Town of Clinton, or shall have a minimum of 18 months' experience
serving as an assistant to the Police Commissioner in a city of the
United States having a population of over 50,000 people or have had
a similar experience of equal responsibility and authority in a law
enforcement agency of a state or federal government.
C. Duties of Director of Law and Public Safety. The Director
of Law and Public Safety shall have and exercise the following authorities
and perform the following duties:
(1) He shall, subject to the provisions of this chapter,
generally supervise, manage and direct the overall operations and
activities of the Police Department. The Chief of Police and all subordinate
officers shall be accountable to him.
(2) He shall, in the exercise of the authority vested
in him, issue such orders and give such instructions as he may deem
necessary or proper from time to time in the administration and management
of the Police Department.
(3) He shall communicate to the Chief of Police and all
subordinate officers all orders and instructions of the Police Committee
and Mayor and Town Council.
(4) He shall administer all property of the town used
by the Police Department and shall attend to the repair and maintenance
of all such property and equipment so that the same shall at all times
be in proper condition and effective use.
(5) He shall, through the chain of command, attend to
the enforcement of all appropriate statutes of the state and ordinances
of the town and shall cause to be investigated all crimes, violations
of state statutes and of town ordinances. It shall be his duty to
take cognizance of any and all neglect of duty, disobedience of orders
and other offenses on the part of members of the Police Department.
(6) He shall devote his energies and plan his activities
for the health, welfare, safety and general well-being of the citizens
and residents of the town. He shall stimulate in the members of the
Police Department a concern for the well-being of all the people and
property in the community and an appreciation and respect for the
rights and liberties of all persons. He shall constantly require all
members of the Police Department to strive for a high degree of excellence
in the quality of law enforcement and services rendered by them.
(7) In addition to the duties and responsibilities explicitly
outlined herein and those incumbent upon his office as the general
supervisory officer of the Police Department, he shall have all other
duties and authorities as further defined by the Public Safety Committee
from time to time.
(8) The Director of Law and Public Safety, as a part of
his duties, shall have all of the authority of a law enforcement officer
of the Town of Clinton and shall, as such, enforce all of the appropriate
statutes of New Jersey and the ordinances of the town, including investigation
of crimes and other violations and arresting persons, processing violations
and appearing before appropriate courts, when required. In connection
with these duties, the Director of Law and Public Safety shall be
permitted to carry weapons in accordance with the rules and regulations
established for law enforcement officers.
D. Term and removal of Director of Law and Public Safety.
(1) The Director of Law and Public Safety shall be appointed
for a period of two years. If he shall be appointed after January
1 of any year, the appointment shall be deemed, for the purpose of
calculating the term, to have commenced the January 1 immediately
prior to his appointment.
(2) The Director of Law and Public Safety may be removed
at will by the Council upon a majority vote of the full Council. In
the event of removal by Council prior to the expiration of his term,
he shall be given three months' written notice of discharge. No notice
need be given in the event that the Council elects not to reappoint
the Director at the expiration of his term.
[Amended 1-26-1982 by Ord. No. 82-1; 4-22-1986 by Ord. No. 86-4; 3-24-1987 by Ord. No. 87-4; 4-25-1995 by Ord. No. 95-6; 12-27-2023 by Ord. No. 23-26]
A. Chief of Police.
(1) The Chief of Police shall be the executive head of
the Police Department and shall be responsible to the Director of
Law and Public Safety or, if there is a vacancy in that position,
to the Town Council. The control and discipline of the Police Department
of the town and of its members shall be vested in the Chief of Police,
and he shall have the power to enforce all applicable rules and regulations
and any general and special orders or instructions which he may promulgate
from time to time. He shall enforce these rules and regulations, orders
or instructions whether promulgated by him, by the Director of Law
and Public Safety, by the Police Committee or by the Council and may
punish their violation by reprimand. Should the Chief deem the violation
to be of a sufficiently flagrant nature, he shall report the same
to the Director of Law and Public Safety with his recommendations
with reference to the filing of charges. If the position of Director
of Law and Public Safety is vacant, then the Chief may file such charges
as are appropriate against any member of the Department.
(2) The Chief of Police, with the assistance of any other
members of the Department detailed for the purpose, shall keep comprehensive
records as prescribed in the rules and regulations adopted by the
Council and shall report in writing to the Director of Law and Public
Safety or, in his absence, the Police Committee on all matters of
importance pertaining to the Department and make such recommendations
as, in his opinion, will increase the efficiency of the Department.
(3) The Chief of Police shall from time to time recommend,
to the Director of Law and Public Safety or, in his absence, the Police
Committee, the purchase of new equipment or the repair or rearrangement
of such old equipment as will increase the efficiency of the Department.
Subject to the Director of Law and Public Safety, if one has been
appointed, he shall have full charge and control of all apparatus
and equipment of the Department and its assignment and use and shall
be held responsible for its care, cleanliness and safekeeping.
B. Sergeant of Police.
(1) The Council may appoint up to two Sergeants of Police, who shall perform such duties as from time to time are prescribed and set forth in the police rules and regulations as promulgated under §
18-5. The Council shall not permanently appoint any officer to the position of Sergeant of Police until he has served for at least one year as a Probationary Sergeant of Police and until:
He has been recommended to the position by the
Chief of Police or Director of Law and Public Safety; and
His performance has been fully and completely
evaluated by the Police Committee, and the Committee has recommended
his permanent appointment to the Council. The evaluation may include
performance testing, psychological testing, personal interviews and
such other techniques as may be appropriate within the discretion
of the Police Committee.
(2) Probationary Sergeant of Police. The Council may appoint
a Probationary Sergeant of Police. He shall be appointed for a term
of one year. The Council may reappoint him for an additional term
of six months, but in no case shall his term as Probationary Sergeant
exceed 18 months.
(3) Supervision of Probationary Sergeant of Police. A
Probationary Sergeant shall have the duties and responsibilities as
prescribed in the police rules and regulations for a Sergeant of Police,
but he shall work under the close scrutiny and direction of the Chief
of Police or Director of Law and Public Safety.
C. Corporal
of Police.
(1) The Council may appoint one Corporal of Police, who shall perform such duties as from time to time are prescribed and set forth in the police rules and regulations as promulgated under §
18-5. The Council shall not permanently appoint any officer to the position of Corporal of Police until they have served for at least one year as a Probationary Corporal of Police and until:
They have been recommended to the position by the Chief of Police
or Director of Law and Public Safety; and
Their performance has been fully and completely evaluated by
the Police Committee, and the Police Committee has recommended their
permanent appointment to the Town Council. The evaluation may include
performance testing, psychological testing, personal interviews, and
such other techniques as may be appropriate within the discretion
of the Police Committee.
(2) Probationary corporal of police. The Town Council may appoint a Probationary
Corporal of Police. They shall be appointed for a term of one year.
The Town Council may reappoint them for an additional term of six
months, but in no case shall their term as Probationary Corporal exceed
18 months.
(3) Supervision of probationary corporal of police. A Probationary Corporal
shall have the duties and responsibilities as prescribed in the police
rules and regulations for a Corporal of Police, but they shall work
under the close scrutiny and direction of the Chief of Police or Director
of Law and Public Safety.
[Amended 1-26-1982 by Ord. No. 82-1]
The Police Department shall:
A. Preserve the public peace; protect life and property;
prevent crime; detect and arrest offenders against the penal laws
and ordinances effective within the town; suppress riots, mobs and
insurrections; disperse unlawful or dangerous assemblages; preserve
order at all elections, public meetings and assemblages; and cooperate
with county, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
B. Administer and enforce laws and ordinances to regulate,
direct, control and restrict the movement of vehicular and pedestrian
traffic and the use of the streets by vehicles and persons and to
protect the safety and facilitate the convenience of motorists and
pedestrians, and make and enforce rules and regulations, not inconsistent
with the ordinances and resolutions of the town, for such purposes.
C. Remove or cause to be removed all nuisances in the
public streets, parks and other public places of the town, inspect
and observe all places of public amusement or assemblage and all places
of business requiring any state or municipal license or permit and
report thereon to the appropriate department.
D. Provide proper police attendance and protection at
fires within the Town of Clinton.
E. Provide for the attendance of its members in court
as necessary for the prosecution and trial of persons charged with
crimes and offenses.
F. Operate a training program to maintain and improve
the police efficiency of the members of the Department.
Each permanently employed member of the Department
shall devote his whole time and attention to the services of the Department
and is prohibited from being otherwise employed without the express
consent of the Mayor and Council. Although certain hours may be allotted
for the performance of regular tours of duty, officers are considered
to be at all times available for duty and shall act promptly at any
time their services are required, except when on authorized leave
or in the event of disability.