[Added 6-7-1976 by L.L. No. 7-1976]
The Village-owned parking lot at 361 Broadway is hereby established as a long-term parking lot. Vehicles shall be permitted to park in such parking lot 24 hours per day on a daily-, weekly- or monthly-fee basis, and the lot shall be open to both private and commercial vehicles. The Board of Trustees shall by resolution establish a schedule of fees for the use of such parking lot space. Such fees shall be based on a daily-fee basis, a weekly-fee basis and a monthly-fee basis, and parking shall be limited to those persons who have paid fees for the space or spaces which they wish to occupy in the aforesaid parking lot. The Village Board of Trustees is given the power under this article to open or close such parking lot at such times and under such conditions as they deem appropriate, depending on the need of the Village for its use and such other factors as may be deemed relevant by them. The schedule of fees shall be enacted by resolution by the Board of Trustees and shall be kept on file at the office of the Village Clerk. The Village Clerk shall receive all fees, keep a record of fees collected and shall credit such fees to the general fund.