[Adopted 10-20-1975]
[Amended 8-15-2011 by Ord. No. 16-2011]
Any person who shall consume alcoholic beverages while in or on any of the places enumerated below is a disorderly person:
While in or on a public street, lane, sidewalk, public parking lot or other outdoor public place or in any public conveyance; or
While upon any private property not his own without the express permission of the owner or other person having the authority to grant such permission.
Any person who shall discard alcoholic beverage containers upon any public street, lane, sidewalk, public parking lot or other public place or upon any private property not his own is a disorderly person.
[Amended 3-16-2015 by Ord. No. 3-2015]
The Mayor and Council of the Township of Greenwich, for good cause shown, may permit organizations with civic, religious, educational, charitable, fraternal, social or recreational purposes to have special events with the drinking of liquor, wine, beer or any other alcoholic beverage at public parks or in other public areas by a resolution of the Mayor and Council.
If the event is to be in a public park the organization must obtain a special event permit pursuant to Chapter 500, § 500-4.
The organization seeking such permission shall also make a written request to Mayor and Council at least 30 days prior. The written request shall state the alcoholic beverages being requested to serve and explain the security procedures proposed.
If approved by Mayor and Council, the resolution shall state the hours within which such permission is granted and the exact location where such permission shall be in force. The Council has the right to limit the beverage to one particular alcoholic beverage.
The Township reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to deny or rescind permission to conduct events on Township property that do not appear to be compliant with the intent of this chapter, or at any time to add or amend conditions to the use of Township property deemed reasonably necessary, and to immediately close down events on Township-owned property deemed to be willfully noncompliant. Previous noncompliance may be considered adequate reason to deny future events on public property.
The organization must take steps to insure that all persons of drinking age are readily identifiable, such as through the use of wristbands or hand stamps.
Alcohol may only be served in a secured area and a certified or licensed security company or off-duty police officer must be contracted to manage any and all ingress and egress points to assure no alcoholic beverages are permitted to leave the secured area.
The organization must have a general liability insurance certificate that names the Township of Greenwich as an additional insured and an executed hold-harmless agreement with the Township.