In developing a stormwater management plan, an applicant shall give preference to facilities and practices, which minimize the need for long-term maintenance programs. Maintenance requirements shall be included as part of all stormwater management plans. Specific maintenance tasks and schedules shall be provided for each type of stormwater management facility used on the site. A project's maintenance plan shall be designed in consideration of the guidance in the "Stormwater Management Facilities Maintenance Manual" authored by the NJDEP, or the most recent revision.
The maintenance plan shall provide for a program of water quality monitoring and reporting to measure the effectiveness of the stormwater management plan in achieving, to the extent practicable, the goal of no net increase. Where monitoring demonstrates that implementation of the plan has not achieved the results originally anticipated, a provision for review of and revision to the plan shall be included. Responsibility for compliance with this provision shall remain with the property owner.
The maintenance plan shall provide for a long-term maintenance program for all facilities and practices which are proposed to achieve compliance, to the extent practicable, with the goal of no net increase. Where appropriate, the maintenance plan shall be recorded in the Gloucester County Clerk's Office where deeds of record for real estate are recorded. Responsibility for maintenance of the stormwater management facilities shall remain with the property owner.
Provisions for maintenance and repairs of detention basins set forth in Chapter 610, Subdivision of Land and Site Plan Review, shall be applicable to any BMP for stormwater approved by an applicant's stormwater management plan.