The installation of all required improvements in the land development shall be inspected by the Township Engineer during the course of installation.
The subdivider shall give the Township Engineer no less than 48 hours' notice of the commencement of construction of improvements, such as street paving, curbs, sidewalks, drainage pipes and structures, sanitary sewer lines and structures, hydrants, street signs and streetlighting.
To facilitate inspections of improvements by the Township Engineer, the subdivider shall deliver to the Township Engineer two sets of as-built plans, consisting of drawings on a maximum twenty-four-by-thirty-six-inch reproducible sheet at a scale not smaller than 100 feet to an inch. Transparencies of the original tracing may serve as as-built plans, provided that alterations and changes made during field construction are clearly shown thereon.
As-built plans of waterlines shall show the diameter, length and type of main; the points of connection with individual service lines; the depth of the main as measured below the surface of the street; the size and type of fittings; the size and type of valves; the size and type of hydrants; the location of the main with reference to the distance from curblines, expressed in feet measured to the nearest 1/10 of a foot, in order that the main may be relocated at a future date a minimum of two distances to each gate valve measured from the center line of the nearest intersecting street and from a curbline; and the location of hydrants.
As-built plans of sanitary sewers shall show the length, size and type of main, the depth of house laterals and the length of lateral and deep-cut connections with the height of the same, and profiles shall be submitted showing the depth of the main. The elevation of the inverts and the slope of the pipe shall be shown on both said plans and profiles. The locations of all manholes, measured from the center line of the nearest intersections and distances between manholes shall be shown. The plans and/or profiles shall also show the location of each manhole not in the center line of the street, measured from the side of the street and from the curbline; the depth of each manhole, measured to the nearest 1/10 of a foot; and the location of Ys and house connections from the nearest lowest manhole indicating whether on the right side or the left side.
As-built plans of storm sewers and under drains shall show the same information, where applicable, as as-built plans and profiles required above for sanitary sewers.
Editor's Note: Former § 610-48, Reduction of performance guaranty, amended 12-1-1980 by Ord. No. 13-1980, was repealed 8-20-2018 by Ord. No. 4-2018. See now § 610-27, Performance guarantees, maintenance guarantees and inspection escrows.
Editor's Note: Former § 610-49, Completion of improvements, amended 12-1-1980 by Ord. No. 13-1980, was repealed 8-20-2018 by Ord. No. 4-2018. See now § 610-27, Performance guarantees, maintenance guarantees and inspection escrows.
No certificate for the occupancy of any dwelling unit in a subdivision shall be issued prior to the installation of the base course of the street or streets and sidewalk and curbs designed to serve the unit, the installation of the drainage system to ensure proper drainage of the lot, the installation of water supply and sewage disposal systems and the installation of all streetlighting designed to serve the dwelling unit.
Any variation from the requirements of the preceding subsection must be upon approval of the governing body after favorable recommendation from the Planning Board, by virtue of reasons of undue hardship to the subdivider or his grantee brought about by exceptional and unusual circumstances and where the occupancy shall not be detrimental to the subdivision plan and to the public interest.
Any change of use or occupancy within Greenwich Township will void the previously issued certificate of occupancy and require the issuance of a new one.
[Added 12-28-2000 by Ord. No. 34-2000]