As used in this article, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
A person under 18 years of age, unless emancipated.
Includes any person who owns, keeps, harbors or has the care,
custody or control of a dog. Dogs owned by minors shall be deemed
to be in the custody and control of the minor's parents or other head
of the household acting in loco parentis where the minor resides,
as well as in the custody and control of the minor.
The Town of East Bloomfield.
It shall be unlawful for any owner of a dog
in the Town of East Bloomfield to permit or allow such a dog to howl
or bark habitually, continuously or regularly for periods in excess
of one hour so as to disturb the peace, quiet, health or well-being
of other persons.
No person shall permit an accumulation of dog
feces on a property which results in a hazard to health or that makes
travel or residences in the vicinity uncomfortable, or which attracts
flies or other insects or animals, thereby creating, in the judgment
of the New York State Department of Health, or such other qualified
agency or agent as may in advance be designated by the Town to exercise
such judgment, an unsanitary condition which may facilitate the spread
of disease and endanger health, or which may render soil, water or
food impure or unwholesome, or which endangers public comfort and