The purpose of the OP Office Park District is to establish a nonresidential district along the New Jersey Turnpike in an area influenced by overhead power lines and utility rights-of-way and where access is possible without passing through major residential areas. The intent is to encourage a modest employment base in proximity to major highways, provide a buffer from the New Jersey Turnpike and coordinate development with the character of this area recognizing the New Jersey Youth Correctional Institution and Turnpike and utility corridors.
Permitted principal uses shall be as follows:
Office building.
Research and testing, including product development and pilot plants, but not the production of products involving the changing of molecular structure of any components.
Manufacturing, fabrication and assembly, provided that such operations do not involve changing the molecular structure of any components involved in the process.
Permitted accessory uses shall be as follows:
Off-street parking.
Fences and walls.
Temporary construction equipment and structures shall be permitted during the construction period beginning with the issuance of a building permit and concluding with the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or one year, whichever is less, provided that said equipment and structures are situated on the same site where construction is taking place.
Signs: see § 130-87.
Conditional uses shall be as follows:
Service stations.
Service stations shall meet minimum requirements as follows:
Lot area: 60,000 square feet.
Lot frontage and width: 200 feet.
Lot depth: 200 feet.
Building setback (front): 80 feet.
Side yard (each): 40 feet.
Rear yard: 50 feet.
Pumping islands shall be set back at least 60 feet from any street line or other pumping island and at least 50 feet from any other property line.
Maximum requirements shall be as follows:
Building coverage: 15%
Paved surface: 70%.
Building height: 15 feet.
In order to encourage the preservation of agriculture, the transfer of development credits provisions may be applied in the following manner: The gross floor area ratio may be increased by 500 square feet for each acre of land preserved for agriculture resulting in a building having a floor area ratio of not more than 0.4; maximum building height of 60 feet; and maximum lot coverage of 40%, provided that all parking requirements and setback provisions can also be met.
In order to provide additional flexibility in the development of this district, variable lot sizes shall be permitted, provided that said uses are designed as part of an office park complex having a minimum tract size of 50 acres and adhering to the following standards, with each lot in the development being submitted as part of a comprehensive plan for the entire tract and designed for coordination with development on adjoining tracts:
The average lot size shall not be less than two acres.
The minimum lot size shall be 40,000 square feet.
No lots of less than two acres may be subdivided until a sufficient number of lots in excess of two acres has been subdivided in order to maintain the minimum average lot size of two acres, except that in any event no more than half the total number of resulting lots may be less than two acres.
The minimum lot width for parcels less than two acres shall be 300 feet.
All other yards, setback, coverage, parking, height and other provisions of this district shall be as set forth in other provisions of this chapter.
Telecommunications towers and associated facilities, as defined in this chapter shall be permitted as a conditional use in the OP Office Park District.
[Added 4-12-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-7]
Cannabis cultivators, manufacturers and wholesalers, as said terms are defined in the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance and Marketplace Modernization Act and Chapter 87 of this Code, shall be permitted as conditional uses in accordance with § 130-48K.
[Added 7-28-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-12]
The Table of Area, Yard and Bulk Requirements is included at the end of this chapter.