[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Wales 4-16-1990 (§§ 8.21 and 8.25 of the 1989 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 163.
Stormwater management and erosion control — See Ch. 384.
Streets, sidewalks and public property — See Ch. 390.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 395.
A permit obtained from the Building Inspector shall be required of any person installing a driveway surfaced with asphalt, concrete, brick or similar materials. In making application for issuance of a permit, the applicant shall provide the Building Inspector with sufficient plans and information regarding the driveway so as to ensure that the installation of the driveway will be consistent with the drainage patterns of the subject property and the properties in the immediate area of the subject property and that the driveway slopes to provide proper drainage away from the roadway. Any permit issued by the Building Inspector pursuant to this section shall specify the time within which the driveway shall be completed, but in no event shall such time be more than six months from the date of issuance of the permit.
No person shall install or maintain any hard-surfaced driveway extending beyond the boundaries of the property and onto the public right-of-way, unless the surface is asphalted.
The Village Board may from time to time establish a permit fee which shall be in an amount determined by the Board to defer the actual and reasonable costs incurred by the Building Inspector in reviewing the plans and information submitted by the property owner and in inspecting the property to ensure construction of the driveway in accordance with the plans and information.
[Added 5-1-2000 (§ 8.22 of the 1989 Code)]
Interference with intersections prohibited. At street intersections, a driveway shall not provide direct ingress or egress to or from the street intersection area and shall not occupy areas of the roadway deemed necessary by the Village Board for effective traffic control or for highway signs or signals.
Interference with street prohibited. No driveway apron shall extend out into the street further than the face of the curb or the edge of the paved portion. All driveway entrances and approaches shall be so constructed that they shall not interfere with the drainage of streets, side ditches or roadside areas or with existing structures on the right-of-way.
Number of approaches limited. In all districts the number of road accesses shall be limited as follows: no more than one driveway entrance and approach shall be constructed for any lot or premises except when additional road accesses are approved by the Village Board after being deemed by the Village of Wales Engineer to be necessary and feasible without undue impairment of safety, convenience and utility of the street. Where the Village Board approves more than one road access, any two approaches shall be at least 10 feet apart unless waived by the Village Board.
Five feet from the side lot line. All driveways entering onto Village roads shall be at least five feet off of the nearest side lot line at the point where the property line meets the Village road right-of-way line unless otherwise approved by the Village Board. Moreover, all driveways or portions thereof located within the right-of-way shall be least five feet off of an imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the right-of-way line to the roadway pavement from the point where the nearest side lot line meets the right-of-way line unless otherwise approved by the Village Board.
Restoration required. When curb and gutter are removed, the new construction and connection shall be of equivalent acceptable material and curb returns provided or restored in a neat, workmanlike manner. Driveway surfaces shall connect with the street pavement and sidewalk in a neat, workmanlike manner. Any sidewalk areas which are damaged shall be replaced.
Property owner liable for damage or injury. The property owner shall assume all responsibility for any injury or damage to persons or property resulting directly or indirectly from construction or repair of driveway approaches or entrances.
Concrete surfacing of private driveways. If a driveway is installed as concrete driveway, the concrete shall not extend over the driveway culvert or between the culvert and the traveled portion of the roadway. If there is no driveway culvert then the concrete shall be no closer than six feet to the traveled portion of the roadway. The area between the concrete driveway and the traveled portion of the roadway shall be paved with asphalt or paver brick. Further, driveway pavement installed within 10 feet of the traveled portion of the roadway shall have a rise of not more than six inches.
New curb cut. Property owners or contractors desiring to install a new curb cut to access the property shall contact the Building Inspector to obtain the permit application and work requirements and to arrange for inspection of the work.[1]
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Except as otherwise provided, any person found to be in violation of any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty as provided in § 1-4 of this Code.