[Adopted 4-29-2005 ATM, Art. 27]
Editor's Note: Former Art. IV, Agricultural Land Preservation Committee, adopted 10-30-1985 STM, Art. 3, which consisted of § 14-24, was repealed 4-29-2002 ATM, Art. 26.
There shall be an Agricultural Commission to address agricultural issues and represent agricultural interest in the Town of Sunderland.
The duties and responsibilities of the commission shall include, but not be limited to:
Advising the Selectboard, Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Board of Health, and Historical Commission on projects and activities involving agricultural lands in Town;
[Amended by Ch. 141 of the Acts of 2019, approved 12-12-2019]
Engaging in projects and activities to promote the business of farming, farming activities and tradition, and farmland protection in Town including educational programs and community events; and,
Reporting to Town Meeting on its projects and activities on annual basis.
[Amended by Ch. 141 of the Acts of 2019, approved 12-12-2019]
The Commission shall be composed of five members, appointed by the Selectboard, to include one concurrent member of the Conservation Commission and four at-large Town resident representatives. At least three of the members of the Commission shall be engaged in the business of farming or related agricultural industries. The Selectboard shall fill a vacancy based on the unexpired term of the vacancy and in such manner so as to maintain the aforesaid composition of the Commission.
Two members shall be appointed for three year terms; one member for a two year term and three years thereafter; one member for a one year term and three years thereafter and the Conservation Commission member shall be appointed annually.