There shall be no discharge of hazardous materials or wastes within the Town of Stoughton through land, water, or air transmission without a permit for such action by an authorized agent of a federal or state agency or without a hearing from the Board of Health unless otherwise excepted or exempted under this chapter.
There shall be no discharge of hazardous materials or wastes within the aquifer protection zones designated in Chapter 107, Groundwater Protection, as amended May 3, 1993, and subsequent amendments thereof, either through land, water or air transmission unless otherwise excepted or exempted under this chapter.
There shall be no new installations of underground storage tanks for hazardous materials or waste within the aquifer protection zones designated in Chapter 107, Groundwater Protection, as amended May 3, 1993, or within the floodplains, defined by the Town of Stoughton Zoning Bylaw Maps or by the Federal Emergency Management Agency's most recent Flood Insurance Rate Maps, as amended; or within 500 feet of a surface water body, wetland, or private well. Replacement of underground storage tanks for flammable materials that pre-exist this chapter shall be allowed only after the Fire Chief or his designee determines that aboveground storage of the flammable and/or combustible material would create a fire and/or explosion hazard.
No area within which hazardous materials or waste are used, stored or generated may contain a floor drain that leads to a storm drain or a septic system. Floor drains in such areas shall drain into containment vessels for removal by a DEP-approved hazardous waste carrier. All other drains shall be permanently sealed off.
No residues or waste waters resulting from hazardous material or waste spill clean-up procedures shall be disposed of into drains or other facilities leading to storm drains or septic systems or into any Stoughton pump-out stations. All such residues and waste waters shall be contained for removal by a DEP-approved hauler.
Applications of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides used in accordance with applicable local, state and federal regulations shall be exempt from § 113-4 of this chapter; in addition, applications of deicing chemicals in conformance with the Massachusetts Snow and Ice Control Program, applications of swimming pool chemicals, and applications of water treatment chemicals by the Stoughton Water Department. This chapter shall not apply to discharge of ordinary sanitary wastewater into a septic system installed in accordance with applicable state and local regulations or to ordinary uses of household or garden products used in accordance with applicable labeling instructions from state and federal law. Nothing in this chapter prohibits the Board of Health from limiting or prohibiting the use of any such product by appropriate regulations.
Owners or operators shall immediately report any discharge or abnormal loss of hazardous materials or waste and shall provide a reasonable estimate of the nature and quantity of the discharged hazardous materials or wastes and supply pertinent material safety data sheets to the Fire Chief, the Board of Health, the Hazardous Materials Coordinator, Local Emergency Planning Committee and the appropriate office in the DEP. These reporting requirements are in addition to all state and federal reporting requirements.
Any discharge of hazardous material or waste shall be immediately contained and reported. Immediate clean-up activities of significant discharges shall be taken under the direction of the Fire Chief, the Board of Health Hazardous Materials Coordinator, and/or other applicable agency. Clean up and proper disposal of any discharged or abnormally lost hazardous material or waste shall be the responsibility of the owner or operator, hazardous material generator, or user, including cost of the clean up and disposal.
Following the immediate assessment according to § 113-6 and containment of any hazardous material or waste discharge, a detailed report on the spill, remedial procedure plan and a schedule for all ongoing clean-up actions to be undertaken shall promptly be submitted to the Fire Chief and the Board of Health. Action shall not be taken unless the Fire Chief and Board of Health deem that the remedial procedure will not contribute to a fire, explosion and/or environmental hazard. A detailed report on the spill and a remedial plan shall be submitted to the Fire Chief and Board of Health.
Collection and disposal of contaminated material shall be conducted by a handler that is licensed by the DEP.