[HISTORY: Adopted by the Zoning Board of Appeal of the Town of Stoughton 6-17-1980 (Ch. 253 of the 1983 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Zoning — See Ch. 200.
The Board shall meet at 7:45 p.m. sharp, Town Hall, 10 Pearl Street, Stoughton, Massachusetts, on the first and third Thursdays of each and every month, excepting when the same shall fall on a holiday, in which event the Board shall meet on the following scheduled Thursday at the same time and place. The first hearing shall begin at 8:00 p.m., and no new hearings shall be opened after 11:00 p.m. Any hearings not opened shall be rescheduled by the Board. The Board shall meet at such other times and places as the Chairman may, in his judgment, see fit to call the same. Meetings other than regular meetings of the Board shall be at the call of the Chairman, who shall notify each member not less than 48 hours before such meeting, and posted at Town Hall not less than 48 hours before such meeting.
The Chairman or, in his absence, the Acting Chairman, who shall be chosen by the remaining members from their own number, may summon witnesses, administer oaths and call for the production of papers, documents and the like as he, in his judgment, may deem necessary or incidental to the proper consideration of the cause then in hearing.
Appeals and petitions for variances shall be in writing and supported by plans or drawings prepared by a competent draftsman, which plans or drawings shall show what is proposed and the relation the proposal and existing buildings, if any, on the property of the petitioner have to land and buildings of the abutting owners. Appeals shall be filed with the Board or an officer from whose decision the appeal is taken. Petitions for variances shall be filed with the Zoning and Building Inspector for the Town of Stoughton.
Appeals and petitions for variances and for other relief or permits of the Board shall be accompanied with a fee in the sum of $50 for the first 25 abutters to be notified of the public hearing. For every additional 25 abutters, the petitioner will be charged an additional $10. The petitioner is required to estimate the number of abutters that will be immediately affected by the petition. This additional fee must be paid before the public hearing. The fee is to defray the expense of publication, mailing, etc. In the event that there are more than 100 abutters, there shall be only one public hearing scheduled for that night. There shall be no more than four hearings scheduled for any one evening.
If there is a dash (-) in Chapter 200, Zoning, Table of Use Regulations, the Board cannot grant a variance or special permit.
In the event that an appellant or petitioner or an authorized representative thereof shall fail to appear before the Board at the time and place set forth for the hearing ascertained in the legal notice thereof published in the newspaper, the matter before the Board shall be dismissed without prejudice.
Appeals shall be filed with the Board or officer from whose decision the appeal is taken within 21 days following the date that the notice of the decision which is to be appealed has been received from the Board or officer involved.
Appeals and petitions for variances shall be heard by the Board of Appeal at the next regular meeting following publication in the newspaper, but in no case shall the interval between publication and the hearing be less than that prescribed by Chapter 40A of the General Laws, as amended.
In the event that a regular member of the Board of Appeal is able to ascertain that he shall be unable to attend any regular meeting or public hearing, he shall notify the Chairman prior to such meeting or hearing in order that provisions may be made by the Chairman for an alternate member to sit in his stead.
All proceedings of the Zoning Board of Appeal shall conform with the provisions of Chapter 40A (General Laws, Ter. Ed.), as amended and as amended by Chapter 808 of 1975.
The Board shall conduct all Chapter 744 hearings as the suggested rules and regulations suggest in the Massachusetts Federation of Planning Boards Handbook, pages 36 and 37.
[Added 6-17-1982]
The Board shall require, under Section V, Subsection D, Table of Use Regulations, Accessory uses, Item No. 3, Accessory professional office of a licensed medical or dental practitioner, lawyer, professional engineer or professional architect in an existing dwelling, that the petitioner reside in the building for which the special permit is requested.