[Adopted 2-6-1939 ATM, Art. 7 as Sections 4, 5 and 6 of the 1939 Bylaws, approved 4-3-1939 (Ch. 148, Art. III, of the 1983 Code)]
No person who is not in the employ of the Town or of some office or department thereof, having authority so to do, shall dig up or excavate or assist in digging up or excavating any part of a public street or a Town way or remove any gravel or similar thing from a public street, highway or Town way unless he has obtained from the Board of Selectmen or its agent a written license therefor.
Whoever, by virtue of a license issued pursuant to the preceding section, breaks, digs up or excavates or causes to be dug up or broken up or excavated any part of a public street, highway or Town way shall protect same in a manner suitable to the Selectmen or the Town Manager.
[Added 4-28-1980 ATM, Art. 61, approved 8-11-1980; amended 10-26-1993 STM, Art. 5]
Any person, firm or corporation who is not in the employ of the Town or of some office or department thereof, doing any construction, razing, repairing, excavations or surfacing of any public roads or ways to which the public has a right of access, or is upon said public roads or ways while repairing, maintaining or installing any wire or cable above ground or while cutting trees or surveying any land, in such a manner as to substantially interfere with traffic, shall be required to maintain, at the expense of such person, firm or corporation, such police officers on special detail as the Chief of Police may deem necessary to provide for the safety of the public using said roads and ways.
The person to whom a license has been issued pursuant to § 162-7 shall restore such street, highway or Town way to a condition satisfactory to the Board of Selectmen or its authorized agent; and the expense of repairs on such ways rendered necessary by such digging up and accruing within one year thereafter shall be borne by such permittee.