[Adopted 2-6-1939 ATM, Art. 4 of the 1939 Bylaws, approved 4-3-1939; amended in its entirety 4-30-1984 ATM, Art. 43]
Any private way or unaccepted street in the Town of Stoughton may be laid out, built and accepted as a Town way under the Betterment Act, Chapters 80 and 83 of Massachusetts General Laws.
The size of plan sheets, scale required and tracings for plans other than approved subdivisions shall be those required by the Town of Stoughton Planning Board in effect at the time of submission.
Contents of plans and design criteria shall be those required by the Town of Stoughton Planning Board at the time of submission.
If a lot is located on an unfinished road, street or way shown on a subdivision plan not under the control of the Planning Board, the following standards shall apply:
The petitioner shall be required to have the road surfaced, and any streets built shall be built to the same standards as required by the Planning Board under its Subdivision Control Act[1] with a minimum of a twenty-foot pavement.
Editor's Note: The Subdivision Regulations are on file in the Town offices.
The petitioner shall be required to install any drainage necessary to ensure the adequate draining of the street.
A minimum of an eight-inch water main shall be installed where the extension of the water system is necessary.
Any construction within 200 feet, more or less, from an existing water main must be connected (no dead ends permitted).
For any construction within 200 feet, more or less, from an existing paved road, the roadway must be completed.
All necessary gates and hydrants as required by the Superintendent of Public Works must be installed.
All builders must connect to the sewer if within 400 feet, more or less.
A bond must be furnished to cover all necessary work.
Profiles shall be those required by the Town of Stoughton Planning Board in effect at the time of submission.
Construction shall be that required by the Town of Stoughton Planning Board in effect at the time of submission.
Names of proposed streets must be satisfactory to the Board of Selectmen and shall not be placed on the plans until they have been submitted and approved by the Board.
Upon the receipt of a petition for the approval of a plan and profile, prepared and submitted in accordance with §§ 162-11 to 162-17 of this article, the Board will hold a public hearing thereon, first giving notice of the time and place thereof by publishing a copy of the order for the hearing in a newspaper published in the Town once in each of two consecutive weeks, the last publication to be at least two days before the hearing, and may notify or require that notification be given to all owners of land abutting the proposed street or way.