Any licensee intending to close his place of business must notify the Board in writing before such closing, and he shall state in his notice the reason and length of such closing.
No licensee shall contract bills for his licensed place under any corporate or trade name other than that under which he is licensed.
Corporation managers in licensed places must not be changed until the Board has approved such change.
Assignment of stock in corporation-licensed places for the purpose of safeguarding the assignee on loans, etc., gives no right to such assignee to conduct the business of the licensee; therefore, licensees must notify the Board immediately when the assignee forecloses under such assignment of stock.
Licensees shall immediately notify the Board of any proceedings brought against them or any proceedings brought by themselves under the bankruptcy laws.
Licensees shall immediately notify the Board of any court proceedings which may affect the status of this license.
There shall be no disorder, indecency, prostitution, lewdness or illegal gambling on the licensed premises or any premises connected therewith by an interior communication.
All alcoholic beverages sold must be opened and consumed on the premises.
No licensee shall keep for sale, store or sell alcoholic beverages in any part of the premises not specified on this license.
The licensed premises shall be subject to inspection by the police of the Town of Stoughton and duly authorized agents of the Licensing Board.
No physical renovations shall be made unless a plan is submitted and approved by the Board.
No employee and/or retainer shall solicit, induce or request a patron to purchase any alcoholic beverage for them or any other person. Nothing shall prohibit the above activity in connection with any contact which such person may have with a patron to whom they are related by blood or marriage.
A current list of employees shall be available upon request of authorized agents of the Board.
No alcoholic beverages shall be sold for a fee less than the actual cost of the beverage to the licensee. An admission charge shall not be credited towards the purchase price of any alcoholic beverage.
No licensee shall make any distinction, discrimination or restriction on account of race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex or ancestry relative to the admission or treatment of any person.
No devices or electronic equipment shall be utilized by any licensed premises for the purposes of signaling employees that agents of licensing authorities are present.
All licenses and building certificates shall be kept in an accessible place on the premises, available at all times to the proper authorities.
Any police complaints and/or reports, presently on file, shall continue in force until disposed of by this Board.
Those establishments having a 1:00 a.m. license to sell alcoholic beverages must have all glasses, bottles or other containers used to serve alcoholic beverages, or containing the residue thereof, off the bar, tables or any other place where they may be consumed by any person present, by 1:20 a.m.
No person present on any licensed premises shall be in possession of a glass and/or bottle or other container with alcoholic beverages contained therein for the purpose of consuming same. This applies to all employees and management personnel. This regulation shall become effective at 1:20 a.m.
All beer bottles, glasses and other containers used to consume alcoholic beverages must be emptied into the bar sinks, or other such facility, within 1/2 hour after the establishment's license to sell alcoholic beverages allows said sales.
All licensed premises must have all patrons off the premises as follows: if licensed until 1:00 a.m., by 1:30 a.m. This regulation applies to all licensed premises except those which are serving hot meals, in which case all patrons must be off premises as follows: by 3:30 a.m. in all cases.
All employees and/or management personnel must be off the licensed premises as follows: if licensed until 1:00 a.m., by 2:15 a.m. This regulation applies to all licensed premises except those which are serving hot meals. management and/or employee personnel may stay on licensed premises beyond the above time limits under the following conditions:
If engaged in cleaning of the establishment.
If making emergency repairs.
If providing security (guarding) for the premises.
If preparing food for the next day's business or opening or closing the business in an orderly manner.
Those establishments which operate under subdued lighting conditions, or those that do not meet the below required conditions, must provide normal and/or bright light as follows:
For every one-hundred- or fraction-of-one-hundred-person capacity, as set by the Building Department, the licensee must provide a minimum of 300 watts of white lighting, not colored or shaded (i.e., if the licensed premises' capacity, as set by the Building Department, is 200 people, a minimum of 600 watts of lighting would be required; if the licensed premises' capacity, as set by the Building Department, is 250 people, a minimum of 750 watts of lighting would be required).
The above-mentioned required lighting must be placed so that the entire area of the licensed premises where patrons may be found will be lighted by said lighting.
This lighting must be used when patrons are leaving the establishment at the end of its period of operation or in a medical or other emergency situation.
Battery-operated, power-failure emergency lights now found in some establishments are not acceptable.
This regulation will be enforced by the Building Inspector or by any enforcement officer named by the Board of Selectmen.
The Licensing Board reserves the right to change or to add to the foregoing terms and conditions after notice to the licensee.
These rules and regulations are promulgated under the provisions of MGL c. 138, § 23, and any failure to comply with these rules and regulations can result in the modification, suspension, revocation or cancellation of such license.
All liquor-licensed establishments must post a copy of these regulations in a conspicuous place within their licensed premises.