The site plan shall be prepared by a professional engineer, land surveyor, architect, landscape architect or professional planner at a scale not smaller than one inch equals 100 feet. The site plan shall be based on the latest Tax Map information and shall be of a standard size as required by the Map Filing Law.[1] The site plan shall contain the following general information in addition to the checklist material identified in the Checklists at the end of this chapter:
A key map of the site with reference to surrounding areas and existing street locations.
The name and address of the owner and site plan applicant, together with the names of the owners of all contiguous land and of property directly across the street and within 200 feet of the property, as shown by the most recent tax records of all municipalities in which such properties shall lie.
Lot line dimensions.
Location of all buildings and structures, streets, easements, driveways, entrances and exits on the site and within 200 feet thereof.
Location and dimensions of proposed buildings and structures, roads, driveways, parking areas, etc.
Building setback, side line and rear yard distances.
A natural features map delineating all existing physical features on the site and within 200 feet thereof, including floodplain areas, floodplain soils, watercourses, waterbodies, wetlands, soil types, slopes showing 0% to 10%, 10% to 20% and 30% or greater in steepness, existing woodlands and location of trees over six inches in caliper outside of wooded areas.
Topography showing existing and proposed contours at two-foot intervals up to 10% grade and five-foot intervals for grades over 10% within 200 feet of the site; except that projects involving movement of less than 6,000 square feet of topsoil or 300 cubic yards of earth shall provide only existing and proposed contour lines at twenty-foot intervals. A reference bench mark shall be clearly designated.
Site capacity calculations, as defined in Article VI, § 104-26 herein. All area measurements used for these calculations shall be taken from Subsections G and H above.
Parking, loading and unloading areas shall be indicated with dimensions, traffic patterns, access aisles and curb radii.
Improvements such as roads, curbs, bumpers and sidewalks shall be indicated with cross sections, design details and dimensions.
Location and design of existing and proposed stormwater systems, sanitary waste disposal systems and potable water supply and methods of solid waste storage and disposal.
Landscaping and buffering plan showing what will remain and what will be planted, indicating botanical and common names of plants and trees, dimensions, approximate time of planting and maintenance plans.
Lighting details indicating type of standards, location, radius of light and intensity in footcandles.
Location, dimensions and details of signs.
The following legends shall be on the site plan map:
Site plan of
Block______ Lot_______ Zone______ Scale______
Applicant____________________ Date__________
I consent to the filing of this site plan with the Planning Board of
I hereby certify that I have prepared this site plan and that all dimensions and information are correct.
I have reviewed this site plan and certify that it meets all codes and ordinances under my jurisdiction.
(Borough Engineer)
To be signed before issuance of a building permit:
I hereby certify that all the required improvements have been installed or a bond posted in compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances.
If improvements installed:
(Borough Engineer)
If bond posted:
(Borough Engineer)
Building permit issued
Approved by Planning Board:
Preliminary approval
(Chairman, Planning Board)
Final approval
(Chairman, Planning Board)
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq.
The Planning Board may require other information and data for specific site plans. This data may include but is not limited to market information, economic data and similar exhibits.
Information and documents for other Borough ordinances and other sections of this chapter, such as environmental impact reports, soil erosion and sedimentation control plans and stormwater management plans, shall be submitted as part of site plan approval and may be used to comply with site plan submission requirements where applicable.
The Planning Board may waive submission of any required exhibits in appropriate cases and for specific site plans.