There shall be the following administrative officers, who shall be appointed by the Mayor and who shall perform the duties by law and hereinafter prescribed for them respectively, and such further duties, not inconsistent with the nature of their respective offices, as the City Council may from time to time prescribe. A City Solicitor; a Chief of Police; a Superintendent of Streets; a City Engineer; an Inspector of Wires; a Board of Public Welfare, to consist of three persons; a Board of Public Welfare under the Whiting Street Will, to consist of three persons; a Board of Commissioners of Fairview Cemetery, to consist of three persons. The City Solicitor and Chief of Police shall be appointed annually in the month of January, and each shall hold his office for the term of one year beginning with the first Monday in January in the year of his appointment, unless sooner removed, and until his successor is appointed and qualified. The Superintendent of Streets, the City Engineer and the Inspector of Wires shall be appointed annually in the month of January, and each shall hold office for the term of one year beginning with the first Monday in February in the year of his appointment, unless sooner removed, and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Each of the present members of the Board of Public Welfare, and of the Public Welfare under the Whiting Street Will, and of the Commissioners of Fairview Cemetery, shall continue to hold office for the term for which he was elected or appointed, unless sooner removed, and until his successor is appointed and qualified. In the month of January in each year one member of each of said Boards shall be appointed, who shall hold office for the term of three years beginning with the first Monday in February in the year of such appointment, unless sooner removed, and until his successor is appointed and qualified.
Editor's Note: Chapter 468, Acts of 1911, placed the City Marshal under civil services; Chapter 38, Acts of 1918, placed the Superintendent of Streets under civil service; Chapter 26, Acts of 1923, changed the Overseers of the Poor to the Board of Public Welfare; Chapter 59, Acts of 1923, changed the City Marshal to Chief of Police; Chapter 512, Acts of 2008, changed "City Marshal" to "Chief of Police," "Overseers of the Poor" to "Public Welfare" and "Almoners" to "Public Welfare"; Chapter 319, Acts of 2018, removed the language pertaining to the Board of Water Commissioners.