The City Clerk shall be the Clerk of the City Council and shall have charge of all journals, records, papers and documents of the city. He shall engross all ordinances passed by the City Council, in a book provided for that purpose, and shall add proper indexes, which book shall be deemed a public record of such ordinances. He shall perform such other duties as are required by law or shall be prescribed by the City Council.
The City Collector shall be Collector of Taxes, and shall have all the powers of a Town Treasurer when appointed Collector of Taxes. He shall also be the collector of all moneys due the city from every source, except as may be otherwise provided by ordinance.
The Superintendent of Streets shall, under the general direction of the Mayor, have all the powers and be subject to all the duties, liabilities and penalties which are by law given to or imposed upon Surveyors of Highways and Road Commissioners of towns, except as herein otherwise provided.
The Board of Health shall annually appoint an Agent, who shall not be one of its own number, whose compensation shall be determined by the City Council. The members of said Board shall serve without compensation.
Editor's Note: Chapter 320, Acts of 1884, included the Agent under civil service rules; and Chapter 33, Acts of 1945, changed the annual appointment of the Agent.
The Trustees of the Public Library shall serve without compensation and shall have the supervision, management and care of the public library of said city. Said Trustees shall annually appoint, but not from their own number, one or more librarians, to be under the direction and control of said Trustees, and may for sufficient cause remove said librarians. The compensation of said librarians shall be fixed by the City Council.
The Board of Public Welfare shall annually appoint a city physician and a Welfare Agent neither of whom shall be one of their own number, who shall, under the direction of said Board, severally perform such duties as may be required by ordinance, and such further duties as said Board may from time to time require. They may be removed from office at any time by the Board for such cause as said Board may deem sufficient. Members of the Board of Public Welfare serve without compensation.
Editor's Note: Chapter 26, Acts of 1923, change the Overseer of the Poor to the Board of Public Welfare; Chapter 320, Acts of 1884, included the Almoner under civil service rules; the Almoner title was changed to Welfare Agent by civil service classification 3-13-1942; and Chapter 512, Acts of 2008, changed "Overseers of the Poor" to "Board of Public Welfare," "Almoner" to "Welfare Agent" and "Overseers" to "Board."
Editor's Note: Chapter 319, Acts of 2018, repealed former § 45, Superintendent of Water Department; appointment; duties, in its entirety. This section was previously amended by Chapter 122, Acts of 1941, which changed the annual appointment of the Superintendent.
The Commissioners of Fairview Cemetery shall have general charge and control of all public cemeteries owned by the city, subject to such ordinances as may from time to time be adopted, and may make such regulations relative to the care and use thereof, not inconsistent with such ordinances, as they may deem necessary. They may appoint and prescribe the duties of a Superintendent of Cemeteries, who shall not be one of their own number, and who shall receive such compensation as the City Council may from time to time determine. The sale of lots in such cemeteries shall be regulated by ordinance. Said Commissioners shall serve without compensation.
The Mayor, the President of the City Council, and the City Engineer, shall constitute a board, to be called Commissioners of City Property, who shall have general charge, care and control of all property owned by the city, not herein otherwise provided for, shall keep the same in repair and purchase supplies therefor, and shall also have general charge of all matters relating to the executive or administrative departments of city affairs which are not included in the duties of any other administrative officer or board.
All administrative officers and boards herein established, and all administrative officers and boards hereafter established by the City Council not coming within the department of any officer or board above-named shall have power, except as herein otherwise provided, to appoint or employ and remove or discharge all officers, clerks and employees in their respective departments. Such appointments shall not be for any specified term, but shall hold good until removal or discharge. Orders of removal shall state the reasons therefore, and shall be entered upon the record of the officer or board making the same, and the removal shall take effect upon the filing of a copy of such order with the City Clerk. The above-named administrative officers and boards shall, in their respective departments, make all necessary contracts for work and for the furnishing of the materials and supplies for the city, and for the construction, alteration, repair and care of public works, institutions, buildings and other property, except that the repair of schoolhouses shall be under the direction and control of the School Committee; and said administrative officers and boards shall have, subject to the Mayor, direction and control of all the executive and administrative business of the city. No permanent improvement shall be commenced by any officer or board except upon the written order of the Mayor. Said officers and boards shall at all times be accountable to the Mayor, as the chief executive officer, for the faithful discharge of their duties.