Editor’s Note: Chapter 435, Acts of 2014, repealed former § 49, Certain persons not eligible, in its entirety. This section was previously amended by Chapter 95, Acts of 2005, which added the City Solicitor to the list of excepted positions.
Each officer who is elected by the City Council or appointed by the Mayor shall be notified by the City Clerk of his election or appointment, and shall within seven days after receiving such notice file with the City Clerk his acceptance in writing, subject to the statutes of the commonwealth and the ordinances of the city, and take and subscribe an oath for the faithful discharge of the duties of the office, and any officer failing so to do shall be deemed to have declined the office.
Whenever any officer shall be removed by the Mayor or by any board a certificate of such removal, stating the reason therefor, shall be filed with the City Clerk, there to remain on file for public inspection; and whenever any officer shall be removed by the City Council the reason therefor shall be expressed in the vote of removal and the same shall be written at length upon the records of the Council. The City Clerk, upon receipt of any order of removal, or upon the passage of any vote of removal by the City Council, shall cause a copy thereof to be served forthwith upon the officer so removed, personally or by leaving the same at his last and usual place of abode, and the office shall be deemed to be vacant from the time of the service of such notice.
The conviction of an incumbent of any of the offices of the City government of a crime which results in imprisonment shall operate to create a vacancy in the office held by the incumbent.
Editor’s Note: Chapter 95, Acts of 2005, added the Superintendent of Schools, the City Solicitor and the City Engineer as exceptions to the provisions of this section; Chapter 435, Acts of 2014, removed the language pertaining to the exceptions for such Superintendent of Schools, City Solicitor and City Engineer and the provision that: "[a]ny office established under and by virtue of this act...shall become vacant if the incumbent shall cease to be a resident of the city."
Vacancies which may at any time occur in any office which is filled by election by the City Council or by appointment by the Mayor may be filled for the unexpired term by election or appointment, in the same manner as the officer whose place is vacant was elected or appointed.
The administrative officers and boards above-named shall annually on or before the first Monday in January furnish to the Mayor an itemized and detailed estimate of the moneys required for their respective departments or offices during the ensuing financial year. The Mayor, President of the City Council, and the City Treasurer, shall examine such estimates and shall submit the same with their recommendations for appropriations in itemized and detailed apportionment to the City Council on or before the first day of March.
Editor's Note: Chapter 473, Acts of 1941 (MGL c. 44) changed the manner and date of making appropriations.
No sum appropriated for a specific purpose shall be expended for any other purpose, and no expenditure shall be made nor liability incurred by or in behalf of the city until an appropriation has been duly voted by the City Council, sufficient to meet such expenditure or liability, together with all prior unpaid liabilities which are payable out of such appropriation, except in accordance with the written recommendation of the Mayor to the City Council, approved by the yea and nay vote of two thirds of the Council; provided, however, that after the expiration of the financial year and until the passage of the regular annual appropriations, liabilities payable out of a regular appropriation to be contained therein may be incurred to an amount not exceeding one fourth of the total of such appropriation for the preceding year. Every bill, payroll or other voucher covering an expenditure of money shall be approved by the signatures on the back of such bill or voucher of the officer or of the majority of the board or committee having control of or incurring such expenditure, and after such approval such bills, payrolls or vouchers shall be turned over to the Auditor. The financial year shall begin with the first day of July in each year, and all provisions of law relating to the assessment of taxes and temporary loans in anticipation of taxes shall be construed to apply to said financial year.
Editor's Note: Chapter 229, Acts of 1934, changed the financial year; Chapter 473, Acts of 1941, changed the manner of making appropriations; and Chapter 512, Acts of 2008, changed the day on which the financial year begins.
Every administrative board, through its Chairman, and every officer having charge of a department, shall at the request of the City Council, appear before it and give such information as it may require in relation to any matter, act or thing connected with the discharge of the duties of such board or officer; and when so requested to appear the officer who appears shall have the right to speak upon all matters under consideration relating to his department.
Nothing herein contained shall effect the enforcement of the provisions of chapter three hundred and twenty of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-four, being, "An act to improve the civil service of the commonwealth and the cities thereof," and acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, or of the rules made by the Commissioners appointed thereunder; and the City Council shall make sufficient and proper appropriations for the carrying out and enforcement of said acts and rules in said city.
All contracts made by any department of the city shall, when the amount involved is two hundred dollars or more, be in writing, and no such contract shall be deemed to have been made or executed until the approval of the Mayor is affixed thereto. All contracts, when the amount involved is one thousand dollars or more, shall be accompanied by a bond, to an amount and with sureties satisfactory to the Mayor, or by a deposit of money or other security for the faithful performance of such contracts; and such bonds or other security shall be deposited with the City Treasurer until the contract has been carried out in all respects; and no such contract shall be altered except by a written agreement of the contractor, the sureties on his bond, and the officer or board making the contract, with the approval of the Mayor affixed thereto.
Neither the Mayor nor any officer of the city, nor any member of any city board, committee or commission having authority to expend money or to incur indebtedness on account of the city shall directly or indirectly contract with himself or with any other member of the same board, committee or commission, for the rendering of services to the city or the furnishing of materials or supplies to the city or to any person for or on account of the city, unless authorized to do so by vote of the City Council, with the approval of the Mayor, and any contract made in violation of this section shall be void: provided, that this section shall not apply to the payment of the incidental and necessary expenses of such officer or board.
All salaries of city officers or heads of departments shall, except as is herein otherwise provided, be established by ordinance by the City Council, but no ordinance changing any such salary shall take effect until the municipal year succeeding that in which the ordinance is passed.
Editor's Note: Chapter 43, Acts of 1925 (MGL c. 44) provided for the change in the time to take effect.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to affect the authority, powers, privileges, rights and obligations created and given by any special act of the general court and now vested in and exercised by the City of Chicopee, unless specially mentioned in this act.
All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed, provided, however, that the repeal of the said acts shall not affect any act done or any right accruing or accrued or established, or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil case before the time when such repeal shall take effect; and that no offence committed and no penalty or forfeiture incurred under the acts hereby repealed, and before the time when such repeal shall take effect, shall be affected by the repeal; and that no suit or prosecution pending at the time of said repeal, for any offence committed or for the recovery of any penalty or forfeiture incurred under the acts hereby repealed, shall be affected by such repeal; and provided, also, that all persons who at the time when the said repeal shall take effect shall hold office under the said acts, shall continue to hold the same according to the tenure thereof and provided, also, that all the by-laws and ordinances of the City of Chicopee which shall be in force at the time when the said repeal shall take effect, and which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall continue in force until the same are repealed by the City Council, and all officers elected under such by-laws and ordinances shall continue in office according to the tenure thereof.
No act which has been heretofore repealed shall be revived by the repeal of the acts mentioned in the preceding section.
This act shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the City of Chicopee for acceptance at a special election to be held within sixty days from its passage. The vote shall be taken by ballot in answer to the following question: "Shall an act passed by the general court in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled 'An act to revise the charter of the City of Chicopee', be accepted?"
In case this act is not accepted by the voters of said city at its first submission under this section it shall be submitted a second time to said voters at the annual state election in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and the vote shall be taken by ballot in answer to the question above-stated.
So much of this act as authorizes and directs the submission of the question of its acceptance to the qualified voters of said city, shall take effect upon its passage; so much hereof as relates to elections hereunder shall apply to the annual municipal election to be held on the second Tuesday of December in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven if the larger number of votes upon the question of its acceptance is in the affirmative; and if so accepted this act shall take full effect on the first Monday in January next ensuing.