[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Commercial 3-26-1987 by Ord. No. 87-276. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No article or service shall be contracted for or purchased by any department, board, agency or office of the Township of Commercial except in accordance with the procedures set forth herein. The Township of Commercial will not be bound by any purchase or contract made contrary to this policy, and any employee or representative of the Township of Commercial who violates the policy may face disciplinary action as well as personal liability for any costs or obligations improperly incurred.
The initial step in the purchasing cycle is the preparation of a request for purchase, which is a five-part form used to request goods, materials, and services. The request for purchase requisition should be typewritten or printed. The department head should only requisition budgeted items. Non-budgeted items or services shall require the prior approval of the department head, with concurrence of the appropriate Commissioner. Such purchases, if of an emergent nature, will be processed using the emergency procedures. Adjustments to the department's budgeted items should be considered when purchasing previously nonbudgeted items.
Quote comparison sheets[1] will be prepared for items more than $1,000 but under $7,500. More than one vendor is to be solicited for prices of the items. Data pertinent to required items or services should be listed, including price quotes. The lowest price should be taken.
Editor's Note: Quote comparison sheets are on file in the Township offices.
The following information is required for all requests for purchases. The numbers shown below correspond to those found on the exhibited form.[1]
Payment voucher (Part 1 — white copy). The following information shall be filled out in detail and will be copied through the other four copies.
Date ordered: Date that the vendor accepts purchase order and voucher.
Date wanted: Date that the department head wants goods or services delivered.
To address: Name of vendor that payment will be made to and address where check will be mailed to.
Ship to: Name and address where goods and/or services shall be delivered on behalf of the Township.
Salesman: Person who sells the goods or services to the Township.
Purchase authorized by: Department heads's name or employee purchasing goods or services.
Quantity: Amount of items purchased.
Description: A full complete description in detail describing the item or good being purchased.
Unit price: Price of one unit being purchased.
Amount: Total amount of all units being purchased.
Claimant's certification and declaration: Vendor's signature and position must be filled in along with the date.
For Township certification only: Township official that was responsible for purchase must sign, with their title and date.
Authorized signature: The signatures of Township officials are required , as designated in this chapter. The Treasurer will be responsible for filling in the payment date, record date and check number.
Purchase order, vendor's copy (Part 2 — yellow copy).
Date ordered: Date that the vendor accepts purchase order and voucher.
Date wanted: Date that the department head wants goods or services delivered.
To address: Name of vendor that payment will be made to and address where check will be mailed to.
Ship to: Name and address where goods and/or services shall be delivered on behalf of the Township.
Salesman: Person who sells the goods or services to the Township.
Purchase authorized by: Department head's name or employee purchasing goods or services.
Quantity: Amount of items purchased.
Description: A full complete description in detail describing the item or good being purchased.
Unit price: Price of one unit being purchased.
Amount: Total amount of all units being purchased.
Authorized signature: The signatures of Township officials are required , as designated in this chapter.
Purchase order, Treasurer's copy (Part 3 — green copy).
Date ordered: Date that the vendor accepts purchase order and voucher.
Date wanted: Date that the department head wants goods or services delivered.
To address: Name of vendor that payment will be made to and address where check will be mailed to.
Ship to: Name and address where goods and/or services shall be delivered to on behalf of the Township.
Salesman: Person who sells the goods or services to the Township.
Purchase authorized by: Department heads's name or employee purchasing goods or services.
Quantity: Amount of items purchased.
Description: A full complete description in detail describing the item or goods being purchased.
Unit price: Price of one unit being purchased.
Amount: Total amount of all units being purchased.
Authorized signature: The signatures of Township officials are required , as designated in this chapter.
Account charged: It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to fill in the proper information regarding.
Purchase order, department head copy (Part 4 — pink copy).
Date ordered: Date that the vendor accepts purchase order and voucher.
Date wanted: Date that the department head wants goods or services delivered.
To address: Name of vendor that payment will be made to and address where check will be mailed to.
Ship to: Name and address where goods and/or services shall be delivered on behalf of the Township.
Salesman: Person who sells the goods or services to the Township.
Purchase authorized by: Department head's name or employee purchasing goods or services.
Quantity: Amount of items purchased.
Description: A full complete description in detail describing the item or goods being purchased.
Unit price: Price of one unit being purchased.
Amount: Total amount of all units being purchased.
Authorized signature: The signatures of Township officials are required, , as designated in this chapter.
Account charged: It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to fill in the paper information regarding funds available, date encumbered, date paid and check number.
Purchase order, purchasing copy (Part 5 — deep yellow).
Date ordered: Date that the vendor accepts purchase order and voucher.
Date wanted: Date that the department head wants goods or services delivered.
To address: Name of vendor that payment will be made to and address where check will be mailed to.
Ship to: Name and address where goods and/or services shall be delivered to on behalf of the Township.
Salesman: Person who sells the goods or services to the Township.
Purchase authorized by: Department head's name of employee purchasing goods or services.
Quantity: Amount of items purchased.
Description: A full complete description in detail describing the item or goods being purchased.
Unit price: Price of one unit being purchased.
Amount: Total amount of all units being purchased.
Authorized signature: The signatures of Township officials are required, as designated in this chapter.
Account charged: It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to fill in the proper information regarding.
Approval. Signatures of approval will be required pertaining to the following amounts.
$0 to $500
Township Clerk
$500 to $2,500
Department head — Township Clerk
$2,500 to $7,500
Department head — Township Clerk
Treasurer — Two Township Committee
$7,500 and Up
Department head — Township Clerk
Treasurer — Two Township Committee
The Township Clerk will be solely responsible for all purchases from $0 to $500. Any employee who will make purchases within that range must seek approval from the Township Clerk verifying funds available for this purchase.
[Amended 5-18-1989 by Ord. No. 89-299; amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The signature of approval is required from the department head of that line item the expenditure of funds between $500 to $2,500. The Township Clerk must sign for verifying funds available for this purchase.
The signature of the Township Committee person and department head of that line item is required for approval to spend funds between $500 and $2,500. The Township Treasurer must sign for verifying funds available for this purchase and the Township Clerk must sign for recording the purchase order.
The signature of approval is required from at least two Township Committee persons, of which one must be directly responsible for the line item where funds will be spent, and the department head who is also responsible for that particular line item. The Township Treasurer must sign for verifying funds available for this purchase and the Township Clerk must sign for recording the purchase order.
See § 50-4F(4) for expenditure of funds between $500 and $7,500. Also, all three Committee persons shall see and should approve the purchase; however, only two signatures are necessary for approval. Three written quotes are required, of which one may be the purchase recommended. Quotes shall be documented on the standardized quote form included with this chapter.[2]
Editor's Note: Said forms are on file in the Township offices.
The open public bidding law[3] shall be adhered to that included purchases over $7,500 which requires advertising in local newspapers and accepting sealed bids. The Township Committee has an option to reject or accept all bids at a public meeting. Once purchase is approved, a purchase order shall be filled out by the department head and for verification purposes pertaining to purchasing responsibilities, the Township Clerk, Township Treasurer, department head and Township Committee shall sign a purchase order.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:11-4.
No order is to be placed or a commitment made except by an approved written purchase order or by the emergency purchase procedure.
Emergency purchases.
Emergency purchases are purchases made under or during an extreme emergency. An emergency is the same condition or event over which the Township has no control and to which it must respond because of a threat to life and/or property. Examples of emergencies would be natural disaster, fire, civil disturbances, enemy attack or power failure.
If the Township or any of its officials or employees are required to take any action during an emergency, and purchases from any vendor are necessary to deal with the emergency while the emergency exists, such purchases may be made without regard to the policies and procedures outlined in this chapter.
The head of the department requesting an emergency purchase shall contact the Committee member supervising the requesting department to receive approval. In the absence of the Committee member supervising the requesting department, another Committee member should be requested to declare an emergency. If at all possible, all three Committee persons shall be notified for approval and the Township Treasurer notified for verification of funds.
On the next working day following the emergency, the department head shall submit a written report to the Township Committee and the Chief Financial Officer describing the emergency and the steps taken to resolve the matter.
The department head should execute a purchase order and the proper procedures followed pertaining to that particular purchase.
The request for purchase must be approved and signed by the department head. The request for purchase should be submitted well in advance of the time the goods, materials, or services are needed to allow sufficient time for review and for preparation of specifications, advertisements for bids (when required), or for the solicitation of informal quotations for more difficult purchases.
The original of the request for purchase shall be forwarded to the purchase authority with the duplicate copy (if you would like to retain a copy, make a copy for your files). If the request for purchase is not properly completed, it will be returned to the originating department head for correction, additional information, or clarification. The purchasing authority will also review a unit's requisition, making necessary consolidations and standardizations with the requests of other units. Requesting units should be advised and consulted when standardizations are made. Based on the total and aggregate dollar amount of the purchase requests, written specifications and sealed bids, or informal solicited quotations may be required. To record the request, the original of the requisition is retained by the Treasurer and filed numerically with the approved purchase order. State-approved contract vendors or cooperative pricing systems vendors pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-11(5) may also be used to fulfill the contracting unit's needs. Before any formal commitment is made to a vendor, and prior to the issuance of a purchase order, the availability of funds must be determined pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:30-14.5.
If the purchase order cannot be approved, the Treasurer will provide the purchasing agent with a written explanation. The purchasing agent will accordingly notify the using department head. In the case of an emergency, the preparation and release of a purchase order is the sole and exclusive duty of the Committee member supervising the appropriate department or Township Committee entirely if all three members approved purchase.
The Township Clerk shall prepare, as a minimum, a five-part purchase order to be used as part of the purchasing system.
Editor's Note: The purchase order form is on file in the Township offices.
It shall be the responsibility of the department head to begin the paperwork process for the line item they are responsible for. The process shall start with the Township Clerk issuing a purchase order to the department head and recording the purchase in the ledger book kept by the Clerk.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The department head shall fill out the purchase order in detail as specified in this chapter or could have the vendor fill out the purchase order meeting the department head's request.
Signatures of approval shall then be obtained as set forth in this chapter. Once the necessary approval has been obtained, the payment voucher and the vendor's copy of the purchase order can then be given to the vendor to be processed.
The department head shall leave the Treasurer's copy in the Treasurer's box. The Treasurer shall check his box at least three times per week, approve and sign purchase order, keep Treasurer's copy and return the remaining copies to the department head's box the next day for further processing.
The department head shall keep the department copy in his/her file for future reference and comparing the purchase order with the goods or services ordered after they are provided.
The purchasing copy shall be given to the Township Clerk by the department head to be kept on permanent file for future reference. Before filing, each purchase order will be copied and that copy will be attached to the voucher when the voucher is turned in to be paid.
The Township Committee shall then sign all vouchers by the agenda meeting for processing and for checks to be written by regular Township meeting.