No person shall uncover, make any connection with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Director of Utilities.
Application for building lateral permits shall be made by the owner or his agent on a special form furnished by the Town. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the Director of Utilities. There shall be three classes of building lateral permits:
Commercial, which shall include apartment buildings having four units or more.
Industrial, for establishments producing industrial wastes.
In the Consolidated Sewer District and extensions thereof and in the Route 38 Sewer District and extensions thereof, fees shall be paid to the Planning and Zoning Director at the time of application for a building lateral permit. Fees shall be established by resolution of the Town Board and kept on file in the Town Clerk's Office.
A separate and independent building lateral shall be provided for every building requiring sanitary facilities, except where one or more such buildings stand at the rear of another on an interior lot and no private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, court, yard or driveway. In this case, the building lateral from the front of the building may be extended to the rear of the building and the whole considered as one building lateral. In such cases, approval shall be obtained from the Director of Utilities prior to installation of the building lateral.
Where building laterals are to serve multiple-dwelling structures, there shall be provided at least one separate building lateral for each group of eight apartments or less.
Where a public sewer is to serve a complex of industrial, institutional or dwelling structures, special design of the building lateral system shall be required. Plans and specifications shall be prepared and submitted for approval pursuant to Articles III, IV and V.
Existing building laterals may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination and test by the Director of Utilities, to meet all requirements of Part 1 of this chapter.
Building and street laterals shall be PVC pipe conforming to ASTM Designation SDR 35, except as provided in § 95-18(B).
If installed on fill or unstable ground, the building or street lateral shall be of extra-heavy, cast-iron soil pipe, although other pipe material maybe permitted if such pipe is uniformly supported on a poured concrete cradle approved by the Director of Utilities.
The size and slope of building or street laterals shall be subject to approval by the Director of Utilities, but in no event shall the internal diameter be less than four inches, nor shall the slope of the pipe be less than 1/8 inch per foot.
At the point of connection of a street lateral to a main sewer, a standard Y-fitting and a 1/8 (forty-five-degree) bend shall be used. No lateral connection shall be made to the main sewer which permits the flow into the sewer from the lateral to enter at right angles. (See the standard sheet for details.)
The Y- and eighth-bend fittings previously mentioned shall be inserted in the main sanitary sewer at the time of its construction and the sewer laterals run to the property line for each proposed lot for either immediate or future development. The location of all lateral connections shall be indicated on a drawing, and copies of this drawing showing the as-built location of these connections shall be furnished to the Director of Utilities. No sanitary sewer shall be accepted by the Town until two copies of this record drawing showing lateral locations have been so filed.
When any street lateral is to serve a school, hospital or similar institutional or public building or is to serve a complex of industrial or commercial buildings or which, in the opinion of the Director of Utilities, will receive sewage or industrial wastes of such volume or character that frequent maintenance of said building and street lateral is anticipated, then such street lateral shall be connected to the public sewer through a manhole. The Director of Utilities shall determine if and where this type of connection to the public sewer is required. Connections to existing manholes shall be made as directed by the Director of Utilities. If required, a new manhole shall be installed in the public sewer pursuant to § 95-10C and the lateral connection made thereto as directed by the Director of Utilities.
Whenever possible, the building lateral shall be brought to the building at an elevation below the basement floor. Building laterals laid parallel to a bearing wall shall not be installed closer than three feet to such wall. The building lateral shall be laid at uniform grade and in straight alignment insofar as possible. Changes in direction shall be made only with properly curved pipe and fittings. The ends of all building or street laterals which are not connected to the interior plumbing of the building for any reason shall be sealed against infiltration by a suitable stopper, plug or other approved means. Building laterals shall not be placed in driveways.
In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such drain shall be lifted by mechanical means and discharged to the building lateral on approval by the Director of Utilities.
All excavations required for the installation of a building or a street lateral shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved by the Director of Utilities. Pipe bedding for building laterals should be the same as § 95-10B(1). Pipe laying and backfilling, regardless of pipe material used, shall be performed in general accordance with Sections 3 through 6 of ASTM Specification C-12, except that the trench width measured at the top of the installed pipe shall not exceed 24 inches and except that no backfill shall be placed until the work has been inspected by the Director of Utilities or persons designated by him.
The depth of cover over the pipe shall be sufficient to afford protection from frost: wherever possible, four feet minimum depth to top of pipe.
All joints and connections shall be made watertight. No cement joints will be permitted.
The connection of the building lateral into an existing public sewer shall be made at the property line.
Except as provided under § 95-9, if a street lateral has not previously been provided, the street lateral will be constructed from the existing main sewer to the property line by the Town upon submittal of a proper request by the property owner.
The cost of constructing the street lateral from the main sewer to the property line will be at the owner's expense.
All subsequent costs and expenses incidental to the installation and connection of the building lateral shall be borne by the owner. The owner shall indemnify the Town from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building lateral.
The method of connection of the building lateral to the street lateral will be dependent upon the type of sewer material used and in all cases shall be approved by the Director of Utilities. (See the standard sheet.)
The applicant shall also pay the actual cost based on a time-and-material basis if the portion of the lateral within the public right-of-way is installed by the Town of Owego. A deposit based on the estimated cost may be made at the time the application is filed or prior to the actual installation. Following installation, the cost will be adjusted. Unpaid balances will be assessed to the tax bill.
The applicant for the building lateral permit shall give 24 hours' notice to the Director of Utilities when the building lateral is to be built. When the lateral is ready for inspection and connection to the street lateral, one hour's notice shall be given. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Director of Utilities or his representative. When street laterals are installed pursuant to § 95-9, the property owner, builder or developer shall notify the Director of Utilities when the street lateral is ready for inspection and connection to the main sewer, and such connection shall be made under the supervision of the Director of Utilities or his representative.
When trenches are excavated for the laying of building lateral pipes or for laying street lateral pipes pursuant to § 95-9 hereof, such trenches shall be inspected by the Director of Utilities. Before the trenches are filled, the person performing such work shall notify the Director of Utilities when the laying of the building lateral is completed, and no filling of trenches shall begin until approval is obtained from the Director of Utilities.
All evacuations for building lateral installations shall be adequately protected with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the Director of Utilities.
An interior cleanout fitting shall be provided for each building lateral at a readily accessible location, preferably just inside the basement wall. The fitting shall contain a forty-five-degree branch with a removable plug and shall be so positioned that sewer cleaning equipment can be inserted therein to clean the building lateral.
A cleanout fitting shall be installed in the lateral on the downstream side of each change in direction of the lateral of 45 inches or more. The fitting shall contain a forty-five-degree branch with a riser pipe and removable plug located just below the ground surface.
Each property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the sewer lateral from the house to the sewer main free from stoppages or obstructions. In the event that the property owner shall install a cleanout fitting in the lateral, the property owner shall also be responsible for maintaining the cleanout fitting and the sewer lateral from the property line to the sewer main free from stoppages or obstructions. Such fitting shall contain a forty-five-degree branch with a riser pipe and removable plug located just below the ground surface.
[Amended 3-15-2011 by L.L. No. 2-2011]
In the event that the sewer lateral is damaged or must be replaced from the property line to the sewer main, the Town of Owego shall repair or replace said lateral at its own expense.