Prior to undertaking work which will require inspection, 24 hours' notice shall be given to the Director of Utilities. At such time as work requiring inspection by the provisions of Part 1 of this chapter has been completed and is ready for such inspection, the property owner, builder or developer shall notify the Director of Utilities and request such inspection, which shall be done as promptly as possible.
In the event that such work is not ready for inspection or for any other reason may not be approved by the inspecting officer, the property owner, builder or developer shall be notified that such work has not been approved and the reason therefor and at the same time shall be notified that no further inspection of such work will be made until the property owner, builder or developer has paid to the Director of Utilities a fee assessed by the Town Board and kept on file in the office of the Receiver of Taxes, to cover the extra expense and cost to the Town. In the event of further disapproval of the same work, a further payment shall be made by the property owner, builder or developer in accordance with the above schedule before a further inspection shall be made.
The Town Engineer or Director of Utilities shall account to the Supervisor for all money received by him pursuant to this article.
All authorized employees of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and duly authorized employees as well as the Utilities Director and any person delegated by him for that purpose shall at all reasonable hours have access to all parts of any premises supplied with sewer by the Town or having sewer pipes therein to examine pipes and fixtures.