This chapter may be known and cited as the "Town of Owego Water Ordinance" and shall apply to that area of the Town of Owego outside the Village of Owego and the area served by the Owego Water Works.
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meanings of the words and terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
Weights and dimensions of cast-iron pipe and fittings as specified by the ASA.
The latest revised standards of the American Standards Association.
The latest edition of the American Society for Testing and Materials.
The latest revised standards of the American Water Works Association.
Any person, firm or corporation who undertakes to construct any building, either under contract or for resale.
Any person, firm or corporation who subdivides lands for the purpose of constructing or causing to be constructed buildings for which provisions are required to be made for water supply.
The person appointed by the Town Board as enforcement officer, or such other person appointed by the Town Board, to perform the duties herein conferred on the enforcement officer.
A single distinct household, consisting of one or more persons who live in a single residence or who live apart from the other occupants of the same building.
The valve standpipe, connected to the water main, for supplying water for fire protection.
Any person having title to real property.
Any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation or group.
The boundary line of a public highway, street, alley or easement controlled by the Town of Owego.
A waterline on the building side of the meter used for distribution of water to the building.
The Town of Owego, New York.
The duly elected Town Board of the Town of Owego.
The duly appointed Town Engineer of the Town of Owego, New York, or a consulting professional engineer retained by the Town of Owego.
The person appointed by the Town Board with the title of "Utilities Director" and who is the administrative head of the Water Department and Sewer Department.
A pipe or conduit used for transporting water.
The water distribution line located in any street or easement of the Town of Owego.
The waterline from the water main to supply a building.
All facilities for producing, pumping, storing and distributing water.
The Utilities Director and any person delegated by him for that purpose shall at all reasonable hours have access to all parts of any premises supplied with water by the Town or having water pipes therein, to read or repair meters, to examine pipes and fixtures and to check the quantity of water used and the manner of use.
No pipe or fixture connected with the water mains of any Town of Owego water district shall be cross-connected with pipes or fixtures supplied with water from any other source. All water supplied to any fixture or apparatus connected to a sanitary or storm sewer, public or private, shall be supplied through an approved physical break.
Backflow prevention devices shall be required in accordance with the Town's policy contained in the Appendix[1] of the Code of the Town of Owego entitled "Backflow/Backsiphonage Policy."
[Added 9-20-2016 by L.L. No. 6-2016]
Editor's Note: See Ch. A129.
In the event of an emergency, the Utilities Director may direct that water may be shut off in any district or part thereof or to an individual consumer.
In the event that a resolution is duly enacted and published, pursuant to Subsection C, by the Town Board of the Town of Owego declaring an emergency situation with respect to the availability of the potable water in any Town water district, it shall be unlawful for any person or corporation which is supplied with water through the Town of Owego water district distribution system to use water for the purpose of watering lawns or gardens, washing motor vehicles, filling swimming pools, or washing houses, buildings or structures or for any other unnecessary purpose.
Upon a declaration by the Town Board of the Town of Owego of an existing emergency water situation by a duly enacted resolution, such resolution shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Owego. The Town Board shall also post a copy on the Town Board bulletin board and such other public places as the Utilities Director may recommend.
The Town, its agents, representatives and employees shall not be liable for damage or loss of any kind to person or property by reason of the exercise of the right of entry set forth in § 120-3, by reason of rust or discoloration of water supplied from or through any water system or by reason of a change in pressure or by reason of shutting off the water supply from all or any part of any water system, with or without notice to any person.
Any person who damages Town-owned and/or -operated water system components shall be liable for such damages and for any consequential damages resulting therefrom.
A separate tap, water service and meter are required for each building served with water, except that a group of buildings owned by one person and where all portions thereof are occupied by persons for similar purposes may be served by one water service and meter. No person owning or occupying any premises shall allow neighboring premises to be supplied with water from such owned or occupied premises by any means whatsoever.
The owner of any house, building or property used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within the Town of Owego and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is located a water main of the Town of Owego, may be required, at the owner's expense, to install suitable plumbing facilities therein and to connect such facilities directly to the water main in accordance with the provisions of this chapter within 90 days after the date of official notice to do so, provided that such public water main has been installed and is located within 100 feet of the property line.
The owner shall, prior to installation, obtain a permit from the Planning and Zoning Officer at a fee to be set by resolution of the Town Board, plus the actual time and material costs of the Town Water Department in installing any connections. The Utilities Director is to be provided with 24 hours' notice concerning the start of work and a one-hour notice for inspection.
In the event that a connection may be made to a water main that is outside of a water district, the owner shall, prior to installation, obtain a permit. The fee shall be established by resolution of the Town Board, plus the actual time and material costs of the Town Water Department in installing any connections.