[Adopted 10-3-1994 by L.L. No. 2-1994]
Sound planning practices and development policies require interaction among three principal agencies at the municipal level. These agencies are the legislative body, the Planning Board (or Commission) and the Zoning Board of Appeals. Other local officials and the Code Enforcement Officer, Engineer, consultants and planning staff also provide invaluable information to the Planning Board for the formulation of development policies.
The local legislative body is responsible for originating basic planning policies. The primary responsibility of the Planning Board is to advise the legislative body. To carry out this task, the Planning Board is authorized by state law to prepare a Comprehensive Plan (Master Plan), to recommend land subdivision regulations for adoption by the legislative body and to review subdivision plats and site plans. The local legislative body may also refer to the Planning Board such matters as the adoption of official maps, amendments to the zoning ordinances and capital improvements.
Planning Board members are appointed by the Town Board for a specific term of five years; provided, however, that where a vacancy shall occur on the Planning Board by reason of a death or resignation, the Town Board shall appoint a person to complete the term of the person who has died or resigned.
The Planning Board shall select from its membership a Chairman, a Vice Chairman to act in the Chairman's absence and a recording secretary to keep the minutes.