Preliminary and final plans for all proposed subdivisions of land lying within the Town limits shall be filed with the Planning Board for approval.
Subdivision plans and supporting data submitted to the Planning Board will be considered at the Board's next regularly scheduled meeting, provided that they are received at least 10 calendar days in advance of said meeting. The date of submission shall be the date of the next regular Town Planning Board meeting.
The initial plan filed with the Board for review shall be considered the official preliminary plan. However, the Board may proceed to final action at the first consideration of a plan for a small subdivision containing no new streets, if the plan and supporting data comply with all of the requirements for final plans set forth in Article IV.
The subdivider may prepare a sketch plan for informal discussion with the Board prior to submitting the official preliminary plan for review. This plan shall be for the purpose of establishing in advance, if possible, the extent to which the proposed subdivision conforms with the design standards of these regulations.
Preliminary plans and supporting data shall comply with the provisions of Article IV of these regulations.
Six copies of the preliminary plan shall be submitted to the Board by the subdivider.
Fee of $30 for small, not to exceed four lots, with no roads involved, and $50 minimum, not to exceed $300, for large, to defray the cost of subdivision review shall be paid (to order of the Town of Phelps) at filing of the preliminary plan.
[Amended 4-3-2000]
Within 45 days after the meeting at which the preliminary plan is reviewed, the Board shall notify the subdivider of the changes and modifications, if any, which must be incorporated in the final plan before it shall be approved.
Approval of the preliminary plan, subject to conditions, revisions and modifications as stipulated by the Board shall constitute conditional Board approval of the subdivision as to the character and intensity of the development and the general layout and approximate dimensions of streets, lots and other proposed features.
A final plan with supporting data shall be submitted to the Planning Board for final approval within one year after Board action on the preliminary plan, provided that an extension of time may be granted by the Board upon written request. Otherwise, the plan submitted shall be considered as a new preliminary plan.
The final plan shall conform in all important respects to the preliminary plan as previously reviewed by the Board and shall incorporate all modifications and revisions specified by the Board in its conditional approval of the preliminary plan. Otherwise, the plan shall be considered as a revised preliminary plan.
The Board may permit submission of the final plan in sections each covering a portion of the entire proposed subdivision as shown on the preliminary plan.
Upon the official submission of a final plan for consideration at a regular meeting, the Board shall give notice that a public hearing will be held upon such plan. Public notice of the hearing shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town at least five days before such hearing.
The final plan and supporting data shall comply with the provisions of Article IV and § 123-11 of this chapter. Failure to do so shall be cause for tabling the plan.
Six copies of the final plan with supporting data shall be submitted to the Planning Board by the subdivider.
Within 45 days after the official submission of the final plan, the Board shall notify the subdivider, in writing, of its approval or disapproval.
Within 62 days after final approval, the subdivider must file for recording a copy of the final plan, or sections thereof, bearing the approval of the Planning Board. If the final plan is not recorded within such period, the Board's approval shall expire and become null and void. If the final plan is not recorded within such period and the subdivider requires the final plan to be resigned by the Town, through no fault of the Town, the subdivider shall pay the Town a fee of $50 at the time said final plan is submitted to the Town to be resigned.
[Amended 6-14-2021 by L.L. No. 3-2021]
The copy of the final plan filed for recording in the office of the County Clerk shall be a clear and legible white print on linen, in accordance with the requirements of said office.