[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Adams 10-12-2015 by Ord. No. 154.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Parks and recreation — See Ch. 129.
Editor's Note: This ordinance superseded former Ch. 25, Parks and Recreation Board, adopted 7-9-1990 by Ord. No. 45.
There is hereby created a Parks and Recreation Board in and for the Township of Adams.
The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Board (hereinafter "PRB") is to advise the Board of Supervisors on all aspects of municipal recreation and park services in all aspects. This purpose includes: 1) planning for the future; 2) implementing plans; 3) recommending programs; 4) promoting and publicizing services; and 5) informing the community and building public support.
Members of the PRB shall have been residents of Adams Township for a period of at least one year. All members shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to the following procedure:
All openings shall be advertised for a period of no less than 30 days on the Township website. In addition, the opening shall be advertised one time in the Butler Eagle. A resume and/or a letter of interest shall be submitted to the PRB, who shall promptly interview the interested candidates and make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall vote to accept or reject the nominee of the PRB. In the event of a vote to reject, the Board of Supervisors, in its sole discretion, may vote to appoint another of the nominees.
At least one member of the PRB shall be a member of the Board of Supervisors.
All current members of the PRB as of the effective date of this chapter shall retain their original appointments, subject to the terms and conditions of this chapter.
The members of the PRB shall be appointed by the Supervisors of Adams Township for terms of five years. No more than two terms and no less than one term shall expire in any calendar year. Notwithstanding the specified term, a PRB member shall stay in office until a successor qualifies or is appointed.
The PRB may remove any of its members at any time for having four unexcused absences in any calendar year or any three unexcused consecutive absences. Excused absences include illness, vacation or emergency. The Board of Supervisors may remove any member of the PRB for dereliction or neglect of duty. Any member may resign at any time. Any unexpired term shall be filled pursuant to § 25-2, above.
There shall be nine members of the PRB. Each member shall have one vote. A quorum of five members is necessary for a meeting to take place. All action must be by a majority vote of the members actually present. All meetings of the PRB are subject to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act.[1]
Editor's Note: See 65 Pa.C.S.A. § 701 et seq.
The PRB shall elect its own Chairperson and Secretary. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and have oversight of the affairs of the PRB. He or she shall execute any documents on behalf of the PRB. The Chairperson shall have served on the PRB for at least one year. The Secretary shall act as a clerk of all meetings and record all minutes and votes of the PRB. He or she shall maintain all records of the PRB and promptly and timely make them available to the Township Supervisors, Secretary or Right to Know Officer, upon request. He or she shall attest any documents on behalf of the PRB.
The PRB shall report to the Board of Supervisors at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors on a regular basis. The person reporting to the Board of Supervisors shall be selected by the Board of Supervisors for that person. No person shall purport to speak on behalf of the PRB without the prior approval of the PRB to do so.
No later than September 15 of any calendar year, the PRB shall provide the Board of Supervisors with a written recommendation for PRB appropriations for the next calendar year.
All members of the PRB are volunteers who shall serve without pay. Any member shall be entitled to be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred by him or her in the furtherance of his or her duties. All requests for reimbursement shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors for approval. All requests greater than $50 shall require the prior approval both of the PRB and the Board of Supervisors.
All park employees shall be employees of the Board of Supervisors and shall receive their direction from the Board and not the PRB, unless pursuant to a written policy approved by the Board of Supervisors.
Regular meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Township Building. The Chairperson may call a special meeting, which shall: 1) be duly advertised as required by the Sunshine Act;[1] and 2) require 24 hours' notice to each member by email or by phone or phone message.
Editor's Note: See 65 Pa.C.S.A. § 701 et seq.
Each member of PRB shall obtain and provide the Chief of Police a satisfactory child abuse history clearance and a satisfactory Pennsylvania state criminal record before being seated or reappointed as a member. Existing PRB members shall obtain clearances within 60 days. Residents of Pennsylvania for less than five years shall also be required to obtain a satisfactory federal criminal history background check. The Township shall pay the cost of obtaining the certificates. The determination of "satisfactory" shall be solely determined by the Chief of Police upon consultation with the Solicitor.