This chapter shall be known, and may be cited as the "Adams Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance."
This chapter is adopted:
To promote the public health, safety, morals and general welfare;
To assure that the arrangement of each subdivision or land development furthers the safe, harmonious and orderly development of Adams Township;
To guarantee that streets in and bordering each subdivision or land development are coordinated with the municipal circulation system and are of such widths, grades, locations and construction as to accommodate anticipated traffic and facilitate emergency service access;
To insure that sewage disposal and public or private water supply systems are efficiently designed and have adequate capacity for future demands, and that on-lot sewage disposal and water supply systems are safely separated from each other;
To provide easements of adequate size and location for storm drainage and other utilities;
To safeguard land subject to flooding, periodic high-water table or high incidence of erosion from development practices that would aggravate these circumstances;
To curtail erosion damage, prevent unnecessary destruction of natural plant materials or excessive earth disturbance and minimize the impact of stormwater run-off on drainageways and downstream properties;
To encourage the fitting of development naturally into its environment; and
To establish a precise, simple, uniform and objective procedure for review and disposition of subdivisions and land development plan proposals and to ease the process of conveyance of title to property.
No lot in a subdivision may be sold or leased, no permit to erect or move any building upon land in a subdivision or development plan may be issued and no building, permanent or temporary, may be erected in a subdivision or development plan unless and until a subdivision or land development plan has been approved in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and recorded in the office of the Butler County Recorder of Deeds, and until the improvements required by this chapter, if part of the approved plan, have either been constructed or guaranteed by bond.
In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter are held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the protection of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare.
This chapter shall not apply to any lot or lots, subdivision or land development plan created and lawfully recorded prior to enactment of this chapter. However, the development of individual lots shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Any lot, subdivision or development plan illegally recorded or not legally recorded prior to enactment shall not be given legal status by enactment of this chapter.
Any redivision or combining of lots or adjustment of lot lines within a plan previously approved and/or recorded, or any rearrangement of structures, parking areas, access points, graded land surfaces or other elements within a development plan, shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter.
Where other Township regulations or regulations of another level of government are more restrictive than this chapter, such regulations shall apply.
The requirements of Appendix A (Subdivision Forms) and Appendix B (Public and Private Improvements Code) are hereby incorporated by reference.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendixes A and B are included at the end of this chapter.
The Board of Supervisors reserves to itself final approval authority on all subdivision and land development plans. The Board shall not act until it has received recommendations from the Planning Commission and until it has allowed the Butler County Planning Commission at least 30 days to review and to comment upon each such subdivision and land development plan.
The Board shall call and hold a public hearing on each amendment proposed for this chapter after soliciting both the Township and County Planning Commissions for recommendations and before voting to adopt or reject the amendment.
The Board shall also appoint a Codes Enforcement Officer to enforce the chapter according to its administrative requirements.
The Planning Commission shall first receive all subdivision and land development plans, shall review them and make timely recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding adoption or rejection or adoption with certain specific revisions in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. The Planning Commission shall also recommend to the Board specific action on adoption of amendments to the chapter proposed by either body or by a landowner.
Appeals from decisions of the Board of Supervisors shall be to the Butler County Court of Common Pleas.
Minor subdivision: shall be considered the division of any complete lot, complete parcel or tract of land or part thereof into not more than 10 lots, parcels or tracts for the imminent or future conveyance, transfer, improvement, sale or lease of said lots, parcels or tracts when all of such lots, parcels or tracts thus created abut a public road in existence prior to consideration of the proposed subdivision. In addition, such subdivision shall include no extension of public sewer and water lines, streets or other public improvements and shall not, by intent on the part of the owner/applicant or his successors, subsequently be part of a later division of the original lot, parcel or tract creating a total of more than 10 lots, parcels or tracts except under provisions for a major subdivision.
Major subdivision: shall be considered the division of any lot, parcel or tract of land or part thereof into two or more lots, parcels or tracts for the imminent or future conveyance, transfer, improvement, sale or lease of such lots, parcels or tracts of land, when any or all of the lots, parcels or tracts so created do not abut a public road in existence prior to consideration of the proposed subdivision and/or require extension of public improvements; or when more than 10 lots, parcels or tracts so created or further subdivided as in the case of townhouses or multifamily lots all abut a public road in existence prior to consideration of the proposed subdivision and do not require extension of public sewer or water service or streets or other public improvements.
Mobile home park: shall be considered a parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land which has been so designated and improved that it contains two or more mobile home lots for lease, each such lot for the placement thereon of one mobile home.
Minor land development plan: shall be considered a small-scaled development, change of use or addition to an existing commercial building, but which does not involve utility line extensions or the construction of new streets or access driveways.
RV parks and campgrounds: shall be considered a parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land which has been so designated and improved that it contains two or more RV pads for lease, each pad for the placement of one recreational vehicle or camper.
Land development plan: shall be considered the arrangement of buildings and structures (or a single nonresidential building), paved and planted surfaces, utility systems and accessways that together constitute the development of a lot, tract or parcel of land or contiguous lots, tracts or parcels of land. The development of a lot for a single-family detached dwelling shall not be considered a land development.
If any section, clause, paragraph, regulation or provision of this chapter is found invalid by a court of law, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remaining sections, clauses, paragraphs, regulations or provisions, but only the clause, paragraph, regulation or provision found invalid by the court.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances or regulations in conflict with this chapter or inconsistent with its provisions are hereby repealed to the extent necessary to give this chapter full force and effect. However, where another ordinance, law or restrictive covenant imposes a higher standard in a particular regulation, that standard shall supersede this chapter in the particular instance.
The provisions of this chapter, so far as they are common to those regulations in force immediately prior to the enactment of this chapter, are intended as a continuation of such prior regulations and not as new enactments. Such parts of the prior regulations that are omitted from this chapter shall be deemed repealed.
The adoption of this chapter does not make legitimate development activity in the Township illegal under provisions of the prior regulations, nor does it annul any litigation currently being pursued or that may be pursued in the future against such illegal activity.
The approval of any subdivision or land development plan shall not constitute a representation, guarantee or warranty of any kind by the Township or by any official or employee of the practicality or safety of the arrangement of lots and improvements or other elements within the development covered by the approval and shall create no liability upon the Township, its officials or employees.
No plan of a subdivision or land development proposed for Adams Township shall be recorded in any public office unless or until that plan shall bear the certified recommendation for approval of the Planning Commission and the final approval of Board of Supervisors.
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, trade or otherwise convey or offer to sell, trade or otherwise convey any lot or parcel of land as a part of or in conformity with any plan, plat or replat of any subdivision or land development unless and until said plan, plat or replat shall have been first recorded in the office of the Butler County Recorder of Deeds.