It shall be the duty of every owner of a building in the Village to cause to be displayed thereon the correct street number of said building and at all times to maintain such number in compliance with the provisions of this article. The figure or figures comprising said number shall be placed on said building in such manner as to be plainly legible from the center of the street at all times between sunrise and sunset. The color of said figures shall be in sharp contrast to the color of their background.
Any person owning a building within the Village refusing or neglecting for five days after notice from the Village Clerk to place a number on said building shall be punished by a penalty of not more than $25 for each such neglect or refusal.
Such notice may be given by personal service or mailing a copy thereof to the last known address of said owner.
In the event of the neglect or refusal of any such owners after such notice to cause such building to be properly numbered the Village Clerk may cause such building to be properly numbered and report the cost thereof to the Assessor who shall, in the preparation of the next assessment roll of general Village taxes, assess such amount upon such property, and the same shall be levied, corrected, enforced and collected in the same manner, by the same proceedings, at the same time, under the same penalties, and having the same line upon the property assessed as the general Village tax and as a part thereof.