No person shall plant, place, grow or allow to grow any shrubs, bushes, plants, trees, flowers or other vegetation so that the same shall obstruct or interfere with the use of sidewalks, pathways or pedestrian passage along any public street or thoroughfare. All overhanging branches shall be kept trimmed to a height of not less than seven feet over such sidewalks, pathways and passageways.
Restrictions. No person shall plant, place, grow or allow to grow or stand any shrubs, bushes, plants, trees, flowers or other vegetation, sign, fence, wall, hedge or other structure more than 30 inches in height within 75 feet from the point of intersection of the street lines of any intersecting streets or within 75 feet from either side of the center radial of a curve except that shade trees which do not obstruct visibility across such triangular areas may be placed and maintained.
Authority of Superintendent of Public Works. In addition to the foregoing, the Superintendent of Public Works shall have the authority to direct the removal, trimming or modification of any shrubs, bushes, plants, trees, flowers or other vegetation, sign, fence, wall, hedge or other structure on private or public property wherever the same shall interfere with adequate visibility at street intersections or curves for operators of motor vehicles. Any person who shall refuse or neglect to comply with the direction of the Superintendent of Public Works shall be guilty of a violation.