[Amended 12-9-2003 by Ord. No. 03-12]
In expansion of the declaration of legislative intent and statement of community development objectives found in §§
500-101 and
500-102 of Article
I of this chapter, it is the intent of this article to provide regulations to preserve village character in designated areas, while permitting a reasonable variety of land uses in conformance with the goals of the Upper Perkiomen Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan, Open Space and Environmental Resource Protection Plan, and the following objectives:
A. Encourage the retention of the unique village atmosphere
of the Village of Palm and the area along Route 29 north of Kraussdale
Road by preserving the existing buildings and landscape to the greatest
extent possible and by encouraging infill development of retail, office
and residential uses that are compatible with the historic village
setting in size, scale and architectural character.
B. Encourage the retention of existing buildings by permitting
a variety of commercial, office and residential uses which are compatible
with the existing structural types, lot sizes and other physical,
visual and historical characteristics of the Village Commercial District.
C. Permit uses which allow conversion of existing buildings
in a manner which maintains the visual character and architectural
scale of existing development within the district.
D. Discourage development of strip-type highway-oriented
commercial uses which require incongruous architectural styles, excessive
paved areas and numerous curb cuts.
E. Encourage the consolidation of driveways, parking
and curb cuts to provide more efficient, economical and safe access
and parking.
F. Encourage a coordinated pedestrian path system to
provide efficient, pleasant and convenient pedestrian access from
parking areas to and among the various permitted uses.
G. Minimize visual and functional conflicts between residential
and nonresidential uses within and abutting the district.
H. Encourage the formation and continuance of an uncongested
environment for business and professional offices intermingled harmoniously
with residences and certain other commercial uses.
I. Discourage overdevelopment of lots by limiting the
maximum permitted development and the maximum impervious coverage.
J. Encourage compact development that is served by central
sewer and water services, and encourage extension of such utilities
to serve village areas.
K. Provide standards and criteria for village commercial
development in appropriate areas of the Township in accordance with
the Upper Perkiomen Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan.
On any lot in the Village Commercial District,
one or a combination of the following uses are permitted:
A. Business or professional offices, including medical,
dental and other health care offices, veterinary offices (without
boarding facilities), and similar uses.
B. Public utility, municipal or government offices.
C. Educational, religious or philanthropic institution.
D. Personal service shop, including but not limited to
such uses as tailor, barber, beauty salon, dry-cleaning dropoff, and
copy center.
E. Specialized retail as per Article
II, Definitions, herein.
F. Bank or financial office, without drive-in facilities.
G. General retail, including uses such as grocery, bakery,
hardware store, drugstore, and similar uses, up to a maximum of 5,000
square feet per use.
H. Restaurant, cafeteria or tavern, not to include fast-food
or drive-in restaurants.
I. Small appliance and equipment repair and/or rental.
J. Studio for art, dance, music, photography, or fitness
facilities that do not require court areas.
K. Production of crafts, woodworking or similar uses
by artisans, provided that noise levels do not exceed those typical
of permitted uses.
L. Single-family detached dwelling.
N. Two-family: twin or duplex.
P. No-impact home-based business as defined herein, except
that such permission shall not supersede any deed restriction, covenant
or agreement restricting the use of land, nor any master deed, bylaw
or other document applicable to a common-interest-ownership community.
[Added 4-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-01]
Q. Institutional uses, in compliance with Article
XXVI, Institutional Use Regulations, of this chapter.
[Added 4-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-01]
R. Multifamily building as defined in §
500-201, subject to the following additional requirements:
[Added 7-12-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-03]
(1) Each unit, whether residential or nonresidential, is entirely on
one level of the structure.
(2) Residential units may occupy the same floor as nonresidential uses,
but in such case the residences shall be on one portion of the floor
and not interspersed among nonresidential uses.
(3) A residential unit must be at least 400 square feet with an additional
100 square feet for each bedroom.
(4) A nonresidential unit must be at least 500 square feet.
(5) Maximum allowed density shall be 5.5 units per acre of gross tract
(6) Multifamily buildings shall comply with the dimensional regulations listed in §
500-1606A(1) through
(3) for single-family detached dwellings and §
500-1606C(1) through
(5), dimensional regulations applicable to all permitted uses in the VCR Zoning District.
In structures other than those already being
used for such purposes, the following uses are strictly prohibited:
A. Automobile or other vehicle sales, service, repair
or washing.
B. Fuel service or filling station.
C. Storage facilities for off-site uses; i.e., mini warehouses.
D. Bulk storage and sale of building materials and supplies;
i.e., home center.
[Amended 6-8-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-06]
Development at village densities requires the
presence of both central sewers and public water. The following exceptions
apply to lots existing prior to the adoption of this chapter.
A. For lots without public water service:
Each existing lot may contain a maximum of one
permitted use and one dwelling unit.
Any additional development may occur at a density
of one dwelling unit per additional two acres or one nonresidential
use per additional acre.
The applicant shall agree to tie in to central
water service at such time as it becomes available.
B. For lots without public sewer service:
Each existing lot may contain a maximum of one
permitted use and one dwelling unit.
Any additional development may occur at a density
of one dwelling unit or one nonresidential use per additional acre.
The applicant shall demonstrate to the Township's
satisfaction that an interim individual or community sewage disposal
system meeting all PA DEP and County Health Department standards can
be installed. Existing on-lot systems shall be inspected and certified
as to their satisfactory functioning by the Sewage Enforcement Officer.
Malfunctioning systems shall be replaced with systems designed and
constructed to current standards.
Deed-restricted adjacent open space may be used
for individual disposal fields or land treatment of effluent, in compliance
with the above standards.
The applicant shall agree to tie in to public
sewer service at such time as it becomes available.
The following standards are recommended as guidelines
for all permitted uses.
A. Existing buildings, especially those built prior to
1940 and contributing to the historic character of the village, should
be retained where possible. Front and side building facades and front
porches, if any, should be preserved.
B. Additions to existing buildings or new buildings on
a lot should be located to the rear or side, where possible, and should
be compatible with the existing building in the following respects:
Height, proportion and scale (relation of the
building height to width).
Bulk and general massing (i.e., are surrounding
buildings simple and box-like in shape or articulated by porches,
turrets and bay windows?).
Materials, colors and textures of buildings
and signage. In general, natural materials such as stone, brick, wood
siding, shingles, slate, etc. are preferred to industrial or artificial
materials such as raw concrete, anodized or galvanized metal, tinted
glass, plastics, vinyls, etc.
Any fire escapes or similar features not part
of the original building shall be at the rear of the property.
C. The applicant shall submit sufficient information
in the form of architectural elevations or sketches of building additions,
restorations or new buildings in order to determine to what extent
the design guidelines are being followed.
D. In order to facilitate traffic circulation, all parking
areas for a proposed use should be directly connected to nonresidential
parking areas on adjacent lots. If a connection cannot be made when
the proposed use is constructed, a driveway may be provided extending
to the adjacent property line in a location where a future connection
can be made. Cross-easements between properties should be provided
where necessary.