The inhabitants of the Town of Mount Airy, in Carroll and Frederick Counties, Maryland, are hereby continued as a body corporate by the name of the "Town of Mount Airy," and by that name shall have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, have and use a common Seal which may be altered at pleasure, and have all powers and privileges incident to or that may attach to a municipal corporation. The repealing of the former Section 209 of Article 7 and the former Section 557 of Article II of the 1930 edition of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, and the enactment of this new section, shall not be construed as terminating the existence of the corporation known as the "Mayor and Council of Mount Airy," and creating a new corporation by the name of the "Town of Mount Airy," but shall be construed as continuing the existence of the corporation known as the "Mayor and Council of Mount Airy" and changing its name to that of the "Town of Mount Airy."
[Amended 8-2-1982 by resolution; 4-15-1985 by resolution; 1-15-1990 by Annexation Res. No. 13; 4-19-1992 by Annexation Res. No. 18; 6-5-2000 by Annexation Res. No. 26; 6-5-2000 by Annexation Res. No. 28; 9-11-2000 by Annexation Res. No. 27; 7-2-2001 by Annexation Res. No. 29; 12-2-2002 by Res. No. 2002-2; 2-6-2023 by Annexation Res. No. 2022-45]
A copy or copies of the metes, bounds, courses and distances describing the corporate boundaries of the Town of Mount Airy shall be maintained on file in the Town Hall and available for public inspection during normal business hours. A map or maps showing the current corporate boundaries shall likewise be maintained in the Town Hall and similarly be available for public inspection.
The government of the Town of Mount Airy shall be vested in a Mayor and five Councilmen to be elected as hereinafter provided.