Off-street parking and truck loading space requirements shall be provided for and kept available as an accessory use to all permitted and special exception uses of buildings, structures and lots in amounts not less than those specified in this article.
Method of determining off-street parking space requirements.
The requirement for a simple use (e.g., a one-family dwelling or a retail store) shall be determined directly from the schedule of such requirements which is a part of this section.
The requirement for a combination use made up of several component uses (e.g., a bowling alley combined with an auditorium and a restaurant and bar or a retail store combined with an office building) shall be determined by establishing the requirements for each component use from the schedule of such requirements which is a part of this section and adding them together.
When the required number of spaces is determined to result in a fraction, it shall be increased to the next highest whole number.
If the use is not specifically listed in the schedule of such requirements, the requirement shall be the same as for the most similar listed use.
A garage or carport may be used to meet the requirements of this section. A driveway may only be used to meet the requirements of this section where it serves a single- or two-family dwelling.
Uses which require approval pursuant to the special exception use procedure set forth in § 122-47 may be required to provide off-street parking spaces in excess of the requirements of this section as indicated in § 122-47.
Schedule of off-street parking space requirements for residential uses. Space requirements shall be as follows:
[Amended 7-6-2021 by L.L. No. 3-2021]
(number of spaces)
Single-family or 2-family dwelling unit
2 per dwelling unit
Multiple dwelling
2 per dwelling unit
Schedule of off-street parking space requirements for nonresidential uses. Space requirements shall be as follows:
[Amended 6-3-1968; 8-16-1994 by L.L. No. 3-19947-6-2021 by L.L. No. 3-2021]
(number of spaces)
Auditorium, church, convention hall, stadium, theater, studio or other place of public assembly not otherwise classified
1 per 3 permanent seats or 1 per each 40 square feet of seating area where fixed seating is not provided
Bank or savings and loan association
See "office."
Drive-in facility or outdoor sales lot
1 per each 600 square feet of lot area
Filling station, parking garage or repair garage
Sufficient parking spaces for all vehicles stored or being serviced at any 1 period of time plus a minimum of 5 additional spaces
Funeral home
1 per 40 square feet of public room floor area
Home occupation or home professional office
In addition to the spaces for the residential use, 1 additional space plus 1 additional space for each employee not residing in the home
Manufacturing or industrial establishment or research institute or laboratory
Parking area reservation equivalent to the total ground coverage of the use, with a minimum of 2 improved spaces per 3 employees of the premises at any 1 period of time, with a minimum of 2 spaces
Office or office building
1 per 200 square feet of floor area
Public or semipublic art gallery, library or museum
See "auditorium," etc.
Restaurant or club
1 per 4 permanent seats or the floor area equivalent
Retail store or personal service store
1 per 250 square feet of gross floor area
1 per employee plus 1 per each 8 students in the 12th grade or above or the parking requirement for the auditorium or gymnasium component of the use, whichever is the greater
Shop for custom work
1 per 150 square feet of floor area
Wholesale establishment or warehouse
1 per 2,000 square feet of warehouse space plus 1 space per 200 feet of floor area for on-site office space plus appropriate parking for any tractor trailer or commercial vehicles
Every building or structure or lot used for nonresidential purposes shall be provided with off-street truck loading spaces in accordance with the following schedule:
Floor Area
(square feet)
(number of spaces)
Under 25,000
25,000 to 39,999
40,000 or more
1 additional for each 40,000 square feet in addition to the first 40,000 square feet
Accessory private garages shall not be designed to rent parking spaces to persons living off the premises.
Not more than one parking space per dwelling unit may be rented to persons living off the premises in the case of single- or two-family dwelling uses nor more than one parking space per each two dwelling units may be rented to persons living off the premises in the case of any other residential use.
Not more than one commercial vehicle shall be housed or parked in a private garage or off-street parking area. Such commercial vehicle shall not exceed a gross motor vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or 25 feet in length, further provided that there shall be no limitation on the number of agricultural vehicles permitted as accessory equipment to a farm use.
Access driveways for parking garages, public parking areas, filling stations, repair garages or trucking stations may have separate or combined entrances and exits.
Every entrance or exit driveway shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 10 feet. Every combined entrance and exit driveway shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet. The Planning Board, in its discretion, may also require parking areas to have separate driveway accesses.
[Amended 8-16-1994 by L.L. No. 3-1994]
The intersection of entrance or exit driveways with the public street shall have the same corner clearances as prescribed for intersecting streets in § 122-19.
All accessory off-street parking and truck loading areas shall be located in accordance with the provisions of § 122-13.
The physical improvements of off-street parking and truck loading areas shall include:
Curbs, paving, sidewalks and drainage facilities complying with the standards established in municipal ordinances, regulations or specifications.
Adequate lighting in public parking areas to assure the general safety and convenience of the public.
Appropriate screening for the protection of adjacent properties, particularly along zone district boundary lines as provided for in § 122-22.
All aisles within parking areas shall have a minimum width of 24 feet when the parking spaces are at a ninety-degree angle with the driveway; 18 feet when the parking spaces are at 60°; and 12 feet when the parking spaces are at 45°.
Aisles and turning areas shall have adequate radii to assure ease of mobility, ample clearance and convenient access and egress.
Center-line gradients of aisles shall not exceed 8%.
Accessory off-street parking areas shall be marked off into parking spaces with a minimum width of nine feet and a minimum length of 18 feet; or, in the case of parking spaces for trucks or special equipment, parking spaces of a minimum size to be determined by the municipality based on the nature of the parked vehicle.
An accessory off-street truck loading space shall have a minimum width of 12 feet, a minimum length of 25 feet and a minimum clear height of 14 feet. The related aisle shall have the same minimum width and clear height.
Notwithstanding the requirements set forth in Subsection B(1) of this section, the Planning Board is authorized to waive the installation of curbs, sidewalks and paved surfaces in off-street parking and truck loading areas where such installation is inappropriate to the site and where the general welfare and safety of the public will not be adversely affected. In considering such a waiver, the Planning Board shall review the size, location, drainage impacts and aesthetics of the proposed improvements to be installed and their overall effects on surrounding properties. In granting such a waiver, the Planning Board shall require that the off-street parking or truck loading areas be paved with a year-round surface of oil and stone or some equivalent and that the same be maintained free of potholes.
[Added 1-30-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996]
Existing buildings and uses are exempt.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to any building or structure or lot lawfully in use at the effective date of this chapter, whether continued as a permitted or legal nonconforming use or thereafter converted or changed without enlargement to a different lawful use having the same parking and truck loading requirements.
Within an established municipal parking district where the municipality has, as a matter of public policy, taken the responsibility for providing adequate off-street parking facilities for all uses in the district, the off-street parking space requirements stipulated in this section shall be automatically waived.
The Board of Appeals, subject to the applicable provisions of § 122-49, may waive the requirements, in whole or in part, for the off-street parking or truck loading spaces stipulated in this section.